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Is It My Imagination Or ...........


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..........has Phatmass lost something since we changed here and then there and then back to here again?.........

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I don't think it's your imagination, there's something different about the "new place" and it's not just the lack of people. Honestly, I think it's a combination of lack of posting, lack of older, more established users posting, and more non-Catholic posters. Less of the "phatmass homey" types of posts and more debate-style posts. Nothing wrong with that, I'm still enjoying my time here, but it does give it a different feel overall. Probably just be a phase, with the holidays and all. 

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I hope things will pick up and it is just a stage - we were in the wilderness there for a while not knowing what was going to happen next.  What we would have and what we would loose.  I am really missing the old Phatmass feel and spirit..............things seem different and after time, of course, what seems different will become the familiar and known.

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Ash Wednesday

This layout I'm seeing today is a revert back to something tried recently that was generally agreed to be pretty barfy, so that doesn't help. 


Yes, I could have phrased that in a nicer way, sorry. But I'm just sayin'.

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Not The Philosopher

The anesthetics for Phatmass' surgery have yet to wear off.



Which may be for the best, because I'm not even sure if the operation's over yet.

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