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Hollywood Free Speech


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But I'm presuming you're not a fan of blacklisting . . .


No, but Hollywood doesn't operate as a beacon of pure freedom of expression and artistic integrity. Plenty of great artists and movies don't get Hollywood exposure, for a number of reasons, but often because their films don't achieve the dumbed-down mass objectives that bring in the most money. It's just the way it is, Hollywood is a money-making, glamorous, PR machine, and getting hacked by a dictator's cyberarmy is not good for business. He may be a "two-bit dictator" but the United States sacrificed more than 60,000 soldiers and still failed to prevent his grandfather from establishing the dictatorship.

Edited by Era Might
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Never said Hollywood was all good and pure, etc., just giving my opinion that they shouldn't buckle under his threats.


(And it's a different topic, but at least America and her allies were able to keep half of Korea free, so I wouldn't regard it as absolute failure.)

(And, American leadership used to be taken seriously enough that those of Kim's ilk would fear retaliation for such shenanigans enough to not carry through, but that's yet another topic.)

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North Korea is having major Internet problems

According to the research firm, North Korea's Internet connectivity grew steadily worse beginning Sunday night, and then went completely offline Monday morning.

To bad, so sad

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Better safe than sorry, especially when it's just an inane comedy. 



No.  This is completely ridiculous. Not better safe than sorry. 


I'm sorry, but part of being an adult is accepting that you live in a world of risk. We as a culture have got to get to a point where we can say that some things are more valuable than eliminating even the remote possibility of danger.


There is far more risk of dying on the way to the movie theatre than of being killed by some North Korean Terrorist Attack. It is not worth it to let some evil little cretin dictate what movies will and will not be available for viewing by the American public over this ridiculous threat. 

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(And, American leadership used to be taken seriously enough that those of Kim's ilk would fear retaliation for such shenanigans enough to not carry through, but that's yet another topic.)


As usual Socrates says something that is obviously false to any person who is even marginally well-informed.

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Oh please.  I suppose back in the 1940s, Hollywood and the American media shouldn't have been so hateful towards poor Adolf HItler, and made fun of him so. No doubt portraying him more respectfully would have kept him from murdering so many people.


From the trailer I saw, the movie looks silly, rather than hateful.  The Communist North Korean government under the Kim is among the world's most brutally oppressive regimes, and  has murdered, imprisoned and tortured millions of its own people, and Christians continue to be brutally persecuted.



But, never mind, let's instead cry over a silly movie because it makes their "Supreme Leader" look silly.

Good gosh!  What are we coming to?


Right. It doesn't matter what a pile of poo this movie undoubtedly was/is. 


It's staring James Franco and Seth Rogan and produced by Sony. I think that we can all stipulate that it was probably an awful movie.


It really does not matter. I don't care if the movie was two hours of James Franco strangling CGI puppies. 


It is morally and politically appalling that the collection of human waste that is the North Korea elite can stamp their feet and dictate what shitty movies I can or cannot watch.

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Seth Rosen has not had a particularly good movie since Pineapple Express. This is the End was dreadful. Neighbors was worse. Sony may have been hacked, but I suspect that this whole NoKos threat on the movie has been one gigantic scam to market a bad movie that cost $75 million to produce. Consider the free publicity. You can not buy this kind if buzz about a movie.

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Seth Rosen has not had a particularly good movie since Pineapple Express. This is the End was dreadful. Neighbors was worse. Sony may have been hacked, but I suspect that this whole NoKos threat on the movie has been one gigantic scam to market a bad movie that cost $75 million to produce. Consider the free publicity. You can not buy this kind if buzz about a movie.


I caught most of This is the End, thought was it pretty funny, I liked the joke-in-a-joke. Jonah Hill was good in it.

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I caught most of This is the End, thought was it pretty funny, I liked the joke-in-a-joke. Jonah Hill was good in it.


where you stoned?

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where you stoned?


lol, no, just happened to catch it on TV one night, actually not even the kind of movie I ever watchd, but saw a few minutes and liked the spoof premise, so kept watching.

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I didn't want to see this movie in the first place, the premise  was just stupid, but Hollywood and the government do work together sometimes, if someone uncovered some kind of plot for this movie to be made to get North Korea to wiggle a bit, I wouldn't be surprised.


But again the media blew the situation up bigger than it should have been when there are bigger things to deal with.  But to think that a foreign gov can shut down a movie here in America, is not that far fetched, 




anyone remember this guy who wanted to " exercise his right to free speech " by burning Korans on 9/11/ what ever year, he was getting pressure all around about the backlash it would cause in the Middle East where troops were stationed. Granted it was a stupid idea, but if he had his own private property instead of trying to do it some where he shouldn't have ( considering it involved fire )  then what ever let him have at it free speech an all, no one ever said free speech involved common sense.


More over, there are : free speech zones, how ironic is that, a permitted zone to protest what ever in regards to politics, unless it is a racial matter then one just needs Al Sharpton or some other hate monger to lead the way for a march permits be damned.


Double standards galore with " Free Speech "  Pornography is protected under " Free Speech " but this one lil movie is what gets people in an uproar ? Really ?



any how movies are too over priced now and I hate sitting with the public now to watch a movie, i'll watch it when it is like a dollar rental...


Team America was awesome though.

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