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An Old School Catholic Message Board

New Strategy: Move Users. Not Posts.


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Moving 4,000 members is WAY easier than moving 4,000 members AND 1.5 million posts.


So here's my new strategy: Move all of the phatmassers to the new system, and start totally fresh. Keep this current phorum here forever in read-only mode, and style it so it matches the new design. We'll call it the Phatican Archives.

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As much as it's too bad the original plan didn't work, this idea is sound and practical.  Plus, it may allow some of the more heated topics to cool down and maybe new ones to pop up.  At least the old posts will still be here.

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As much as it's too bad the original plan didn't work, this idea is sound and practical.  Plus, it may allow some of the more heated topics to cool down and maybe new ones to pop up.  At least the old posts will still be here.

woa heated topics ? since when ? this is the most level headed , charitable forum ever ! it's why I love it here, so calm and peaceful.



I don't know bout anyone else , but I had trouble figuring out how to log on, to the other website, and then when I found something that seemed like a way to log on, it didn't accept my password. so * shrugs *,


 I personally am not wrapped up in old posts, its just trying to figure out the other site and how to post, looking for the login gizmo,,,



what was the itch to make the switch ? Boredom or practical reasons ? ( not that it matters )

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Fine with me. Looking toward the future, I figure...


I especially like the "Phatican Archives". ;)


Although... I eventually managed to log on to the new site (through a "back door"), but it did give me trouble with my email/username/password.

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can someone link the proper login to the other site when it is ready, in due time and all.  glad this site is still going for the moment till things are sorted out.

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Going with the flow whatever the flow - and until all is sorted and settled - and it will happen. :)

Prayer for a successful transition and soon ...........for the sake of dUSt mainly - but the profit and fruit of effort will be far wider I suspect and prayer in that direction too. dUSt has really earned every success - in my inconsequential book, Lord!   It must be - and have been a mountain of work and at times very frustrating work.  Prayer for all done and dusted well before Christmas.


I like Phatican Archives too!

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if it weren't for the :paco2:  :paco2:  :paco2:  dUSt.... I didn't get to see the last revision... 

Edited by AnneLine
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