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The Sisterhood


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So did any of you actually watch it?

When you watch something, it cuts into the time you have to voice your opinion on it.

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Mmmmm... It was better than I expected, but definitely over-dramatized. There were inaccuracies in the form of oversimplification of the process of discernment and entrance, which is understandable given the medium and audience, but also misleading and so potentially dangerous. The women they chose were obviously chosen partly for appearance and partly for the interpersonal dynamic that was sure to arise between them (i.e., drama). But in the end, I felt that was a good thing, because it showed how some are drawn to religious life for the wrong reasons, and yet good can still come out of their discernment with sisters. I do definitely think that it portrayed religious life in a positive light, and respectfully, and I most liked that the sisters came through as real, normal people, not perfect saints or ruler-wielding devils.


What most bothers me about the show isn't anything that the producers did: It's some of the reactions it's elicited from pious Catholics and especially discerners of religious vocations. So much judgmentalness has emerged in discussions about the show. One sees in them how easy it is for us to switch into "celebrity mode" when discussing mass media, forgetting that the people we watch on reality shows are real people with complex backgrounds and circumstances that we don't know all about or fully understand. It's not right to judge them, and just because someone makes their life public doesn't mean we have a right to gossip about them, slander them, etc. That really bothers me. And in the end, I'm not sure whether more good has come out of that show than bad. If we weighed all the ways it might have helped people—discerners who are clueless or discerning in total isolation from other discerners; people who knew nothing of or were negative towards religious life and now have a good impression of it; etc.—and all the "sins of the tongue" that emerged from it, I'm not sure the former would outweigh the latter. But I can't possibly know. God does, though, of course, and I do hope there was more good effect than ill!


If someone asked me for my advice on whether they should watch it or not, I'd say: "Absolutely. Watch it. Just do not speak about it with others, or if you absolutely must, be very careful what you say."

Edited by Gabriela
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I watched part of an episode with a non-religious (but "spiritual" // that's debatable) friend of mine. She was intrigued.


My feathers were ruffled by some things the girls said or did but ultimately it wasn't my business. I was happy to be let into some convents I'd not heard of and probably never would have. What joy each of the sisters had!


I laughed out loud when that one sister said she was surprised there'd never been a murder. Hahaha!

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