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Vatican Lifts Ban On Married Priests For Eastern Catholic Churches In


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Positive development. If we are being candid, such a ban should not have existed in the first place. I do not know where it stood canonically, but in terms of the unity of the east and west, and the dignity of the eastern Churches, often disregarded and trampled upon in the west, such a rule should never have existed in the first place.

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Hmm. Good news; I guess this means that the married priests who have been serving in my hometown must have been ordained elsewhere (I know the one is from Ukraine.)

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Positive development. If we are being candid, such a ban should not have existed in the first place. I do not know where it stood canonically, but in terms of the unity of the east and west, and the dignity of the eastern Churches, often disregarded and trampled upon in the west, such a rule should never have existed in the first place.


Totally agree.

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At least in the Byzantine Rite, this ban was lifted years ago...


No it wasn't. From what I understand, it was just ignored in practice. 

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The western prejudice against married Eastern clergy is, at least in part, directly responsible for the establishment of the Orthodox Church in America. Archbishop John Ireland essentially chased out Alexis Toth, and thousands more Eastern Catholics who either directly followed Toth or were converted by him.

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