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Time To Select Virtues And Continents To Pray For In 2015


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Hi Pham....


It is mid November, and Lil'Red has started her 'Sign up for 2015 Patron Saints' offer....


so I guess it is once again time for the chance to ask for a Virtue to cultivate and a Continent to pray for in 2015!  We've done it for the last 2 years... and people have been pestering me to do it again this year.  Happy to oblige!

Choosing 'Virtues and Continents' is a custom that many religious communities do as a way of fostering prayer for the whole world and encourage the brothers and sisters in developing virtues for the year.   I thought it would be interesting to let Phatmass Community take a stab at this again this year.


For those who chose Continents, the idea is to pray for the needs of that continent during the year (for example, St. Therese prayed especially for North America during her last year on earth.)  I can guarantee you will NEVER see the daily news in the same way... because YOU will hear countries from your continent and the needs that they have jump out at you.  If you don't know what countries are in your continent... take a look at Wikipedia!


For all the virtues, the idea is to try to grow in that virtue during the year.  This might mean just trying to practice the virtue, but it also might mean learning a bit about what it is and what it isn't.  You might want to find some saints or other good people who demonstrated your virtue... and you might want to pray about what you might be able to do to foster that virtue.


I'm putting a list of continents in one bowl, and a list of virtues that we might like to grow into a second... and will pull them after Evening Prayer on Thursday, November 20th.  I will continue to pull them until no one wants them any more.   :)

If you want me to choose a continent and/or virtue for you, please let me know by replying to this post. Let me know if you want one or both.

Thank you!









Edited by AnneLine
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For some extremely bizarre reason I only read 'choose your viruses for 2015'....like am I supposed to say Ebola or something hehe

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I'm running low on props, but will be happy to provide virtues and/or continents for all of you on the 20th!  


Will do that after evening Prayer -- but because I pray it with someone and we have to work our schedules around our families, it will be LATE NIGHT in PDT - closer to midnight.  


So watch for them on the 21st!  (Or you can stay up and watch the fun!)

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Archaeology cat

Can I have one virtue and one continent for my family? Going to try to do this with my kids. We shall see how it goes.

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