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Favorite Saints And Not So Much

Basilisa Marie

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I find it interesting that so many people dislike saints on the basis that they disapprove of acts, etc, that the person personally enjoys...

Here's my list.



The Blessed Virgin Mary.
Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort.
Saint Alphonsus Maria de' Liguori

Saint Martin de Porres

Saint Gemma Galgani

Saint Dominic

Saint Francis of Assisi

Saint Benedict (more because of his order, as I am not too familiar with his life)

Saint Paul of the Cross

Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

Saints John and Paul (early Roman martyrs)

Pope Saint John XXIII

Pope Saint Pius V

Pope Saint Pius X

Saint John Eudes


Honourable mention to non-canonised Catholics


The entire French School of Spirituality

Father Frederick Faber

Dom Prosper Guéranger

Dom Garrigou-Lagrange




Saint John Mary Vianney - For his part in popularising the clericalism of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Saint Ignatius of Loyola - Mostly because of the order he founded, and the disastrous effects Ignatian spirituality had on the Divine Office's relegation from the life of Christians.

Saint Cyril of Alexandria - I love that he was so staunch in defense of Christological orthodoxy.  But his antics with the Antiochians and the whole affair of Ephesus... sigh...

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Spem in alium


IAba (St. Joseph)



I can't believe I forgot to mention St Joseph! He's one of my all-time favourites!



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I've only read Ascent to Mount Carmel by St. John of the Cross, and specifically that part where he says you shouldn't believe any spiritual gift you think might come from God (except one, of the many, MANY varieties he describes). And of St. Theresa, I've only read The Interior Castle and the first 100 pages of her autobiography. So maybe things will equal out once I've read more of each. Dunno...

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Honourable mention to non-canonised Catholics


Dom Prosper Guéranger



A great person and well worth reading, but also worth keeping in mind that to a certain extent he did suffer from the liturgical archaeologism endemic to the Liturgical Movement of his day.

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St. John of God - He chopped of half a flaming building

St. Anthony - Helps me with my humility

St. John Bosco - His story is really inspirational

St. Maximilian Kolbe - Didn't know much more than his last act of Charity until recently, his story really inspired me as well.

B.V.M. - What isn't there to like??


Not so favorites:

I actually can't think of any at the moment.  Maybe I don't know enough saints, :|

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Credo in Deum

Some of my favorites!

St. John the Great Sinner
St. Joseph Cafasso
St. Maria Goretti
St. Mother Teresa
St. Augustine
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Albert the Great
St. Gregory the Great
St. Alphonsus
The North American Martyrs
St. Rita of Cascia
St. Faustina
All of the Franciscan Saints!
St. Gerard
St. Peter my confirmation saint!
St. Francis of Assisi - my birthday is his feast day.
St. Christopher
St. Jude

Too many to list!!

People who aren't saints but I hope will be!

Ven. Fulton J Sheen
G K Chesterton
Pope Pius XII
Pope Pius XI
Pope Leo XIII
Fr. Solanus Casey

Least favorites:

Saint Cantthink Ofanyone The Great.

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A great person and well worth reading, but also worth keeping in mind that to a certain extent he did suffer from the liturgical archaeologism endemic to the Liturgical Movement of his day.


Mwuahaha!  But I love him for it! :bounce:

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Mwuahaha!  But I love him for it! :bounce:

Unfortunately to a certain extent it did play into the hands of the 'reformers' when things started to go off the rails. Gueranger was better than most, but not 'the best'. 

Have you read Alcuin Reid's "Organic Development of the Liturgy"?

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Unfortunately to a certain extent it did play into the hands of the 'reformers' when things started to go off the rails. Gueranger was better than most, but not 'the best'. 

Have you read Alcuin Reid's "Organic Development of the Liturgy"?


I've not, no, but I do want to.  I'm currently working my way through the works of Blessed Columba Marmion though, and he has a lot of truly extraordinary things to say about the liturgy (but from a spiritual sense, rather than a scholarly one).  I keep meaning to take up Dom Alcuin Reid, I just don't have the cash to spare

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There is Our Lady and then there is everyone else...this list is not at all exhaustive, but a few of the saints who have greatly influenced my spiritual life are:


St. John (the Beloved Disciple)

St. Nicholas

St. Therese

Bl. Charles de Foucauld

St. Maximilian Kolbe

St. Dominic Savio

Bl. Mother Teresa

Fr. Marie Dominique Philippe OP



Saints I have respect for but strong aversions to:


St. Ignatius of Loyola  ~  If I had a saintly nemesis, it would be him and his spiritual exercises.  Lol  However, it must be said that even St. Ignatius has had a hand in some good that God has done in my life.  While his use of the imagination in prayer IS NOT for me, and I will NEVER be Ignatian, I do still acknowledge he has been a major gift for the Church.  I have had Ignatian spiritual directors who were quite gifted in their ability to direct and I have a few very close friends who are Ignatian and God has done very beautiful work in their souls through Ignatian prayer methods.  So praise God, even for the saints that I don't personally care for!! 

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I find it comforting that saints with different personalities made it and see the beatific vision. Just a forewarning, the saint(s) you like the least may be the first to meet you at the heavenly gates. I would suggest to try to get along with them and learn more about them. I have nothing in common The Cure of Ars or St. Paul, but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

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