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No Shave November For Men And Woman


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Basilisa Marie

It's all about image, because the business world is all kinds of screwed up.  Women are expected to maintain a particular level of attractiveness that takes way more time and discomfort than men to maintain, if they're too attractive they risk not getting taken seriously at the very least, if they're not attractive enough they're either unprofessional or trying to be too many.  There's no way to win. 


When I worked at a bank, I was the only woman who didn't get her nails done every few weeks. I totally get wanting to feel confident about how your hands look if you feel like your customers will be staring at them all day, but I can't rationalize spending that much money so often on something that never seems to last that long for me anyway. 

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When did you start shaving? I began at the age of fifteen because a school nurse made me feel uncomfortable about myself by laughing at my legs and making a disgusted comment. About two years ago I decided that I wanted to stop, as I didn't begin for my own benefit, I only began because someone who should have known better made me feel bad. This discomfort is just a result of pressure, I think.


Adult women do have hair. I don't see why it looks unprofessional to be an adult woman in public. Some companies think it's unprofessional for women to be bare-faced and not to pluck their eyebrows and not to wear high heels and whatever else - where does this stop? I think that so long as I'm clean and wearing work-appropriate attire, my body is my own business. Deodorant seems to work just fine whether I'm shaved or not.

I started shaving around 13, maybe 14 at the latest. I felt very comfortable (although nervous!) with my decision because I wanted to look good and feel clean. I just talked about it with my mom, got some help from her, and she let me do it as I wanted. I'm sorry you had such a negative experience with your school nurse. If you're comfortable with not shaving and you can stay clean and look professional, more power to you. I believe some women can pull it off and it's possible. I can't, which is why I'm not participating. 


It's all about image, because the business world is all kinds of screwed up.  Women are expected to maintain a particular level of attractiveness that takes way more time and discomfort than men to maintain, if they're too attractive they risk not getting taken seriously at the very least, if they're not attractive enough they're either unprofessional or trying to be too many.  There's no way to win. 

I understand the concerns about women, professional images, and sexism, but at the same time, I don't feel like I deal with that issue at my work. I don't wear makeup. Not all of my female (or male!) coworkers shave. As long as you're clean and wearing proper attire, there aren't any other standards. For me I feel it's professional to shave and I still hold myself to that standard, although I agree it's not the same for all women. 

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The first time I tried shaving (because it seemed like the "sexy adult woman" thing to do), I cut myself bad right at the back of the ankle. I'd just heard the story of Achilles and so thought I'd cut my Achilles tendon and was going to bleed to death.


(SPOILER: I lived.)

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The first time I tried shaving (because it seemed like the "sexy adult woman" thing to do), I cut myself bad right at the back of the ankle. I'd just heard the story of Achilles and so thought I'd cut my Achilles tendon and was going to bleed to death.


(SPOILER: I lived.)


The first time I shaved I was standing in the shower, and the first swipe I made had a little too much pressure, and I literally cut off a few layers of skin in about a 2-3 inch radius.

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The first time I shaved I was standing in the shower, and the first swipe I made had a little too much pressure, and I literally cut off a few layers of skin in about a 2-3 inch radius.


Dude! What happened the first time you inserted a tampon? Cuz you do not even want to know what happened to me!







































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No-shave november day 4 update:


Started receiving comments of both disgust and encouragement.

Slowly realizing I don't have enough hair follicles to grow a respectable beard. 

Please send help.

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No-shave november day 4 update:


Started receiving comments of both disgust and encouragement.

Slowly realizing I don't have enough hair follicles to grow a respectable beard. 

Please send help.


You want me to send you some of mine?


(Love your trailer, btw.)

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You want me to send you some of mine?


(Love your trailer, btw.)


Sure, I'll pm you my address.  Just send it in an envelope.  Maybe a little instruction booklet for proper installation.


(Thanks, Seven Storey Mountain changed my life)

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Dude! What happened the first time you inserted a tampon? Cuz you do not even want to know what happened to me!








































I would tell you, but it's not a pretty story.

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Men and women? Geeze, guys can't have anything to themselves these days...


Honestly, I think girls are only participating because they hate shaving their legs. :P

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