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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Charismatic Catholic


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  • 2 months later...

I'm not the most qualified person to answer this question since I am not a charismatic Catholic, but I will do my best.

A charismatic Catholic is one who has a spirituality involving the charismatic gifts such as praying in tongues. Often such Catholics are associated with what is called the charismatic renewal. This renewal emphases the role of the Holy Spirit and the charismatic gifts in the spiritual life.

I'm not sure what you mean by, "why are they such a big deal?", but perhaps you mean why are they so controversial? I know some Catholics view the renewal as something threatening to traditional Catholicism and there have been certain scandals and abuses associated with the renewal. But as far as I know the Church has not condemned it and has in fact promoted in many ways. I personally do not know enough about it to make a judgement as to its value.

God bless you and thanks for the question. :)

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