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Anything And Ebola


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You can't watch, or listen to, or read the news these days without being inundated by ebola stories. Phatmass needs to catch up to the times and not stay stuck in the Middle Ages like some sort of pre-Vatican-II church or something. 


So I am officially requesting that dUSt create an Ebola Page - I'm sure he can come up with a snappier name than that, though. 



Then we could talk about: 


President Obama's Management of the Ebola Crisis

The Effect of the Canadian Terrorist on Ebola

Cancel the World Series to Stop the Spread of Ebola (to Kansas City)

Ebola in Ferguson - Did Michael Brown Know He Was Infected? 

Possible Impact of Ebola on America's Economic Recovery (Such as It Is)

Ebola Coverage in the Insurance Plans of US Senators

Andy Griffith's Death from Ebola - The Hollywood Cover-Up

The Effect of Ebola on the Canadian Terrorist

Natural Remedies for Ebola

Ebola and Nuclear Power in the Middle East

Global Warming and Ebola

Why Are There No Ebola Emoticons 

Which Catholic Universities Follow Church Teaching on Ebola Most Closely

I Think My Neighbor's Dog Has Ebola

What Color Ribbon Should We Wear for Ebola

Colder-Than-Usual Winter Predicted - Blame Ebola

Gas Prices to Rise Over $4/Gallon Due to Ebola

China Exports Ebola-Infected Products Worldwide



That's a dozen-and-a-half topics to start with. I'm sure the list would expand once FutureEbolaPacker started posting regularly. And EbolaGirl could post a number of surveys on the topic, too. 


What say, you, dUSt? 

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Taken from the Internet:



Savage: Obama Deliberately Bringing In Ebola to Kill White People

Michael Savage, the completely unhinged right wing talk show host, has a cute new conspiracy theory: President Obama is deliberately bringing Ebola into the United States in order to spark an epidemic to wipe out white people and turn America into a third-world country.



Louis Farrakhan’s latest: The CIA created Ebola (and AIDS) to kill off black people
Read more at http://libertyunyielding.com/2014/10/04/nut-job-louis-farrakhans-latest-cia-created-ebola-aids-kill-black-people/#kivOX3A8gzAFt4lU.99



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