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Advertisers Flee From Sjw Cesspit Gawker

God the Father

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God the Father

Gawker media page on Friday:




Gawker media page now:




It's fascinating to see tumblr slacktivist bullying tactics turned around on the Social Justice cult. Gawker Media's advertisers, like Intel, are in the crosshairs and pulling support en masse, if some only temporarily before the tide rushes back in from the Left.


It's also amazing to note how journalistic bias, even in our "new media" era of independent "reporting" on Twitter etc., can be nearly impossible to penetrate. Like cops covering for the nefarious behavior of their colleagues, there is little to no coverage to be had on organized professional media outlets of the shameful collusion perpetrated by their peers in "gaming journalism" (if you will--I'll entertain arguments that the phrase is an oxymoron) but plenty of screeds available skewering video game players with vile epithets.


Still, it gives one hope that the worm may be turning on liberal insanity. Also makes one slightly embarrassed that, in light of every accomplished professional (e.g. Brendan Eich) and beneficent institution (e.g. Christianity) that fell victim to them, video game enthusiasts are the first targeted demographic capable of orchestrating a significant counterattack. 


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God the Father

Yeah I don't know what point you're trying to make. 


Not making an argument here, just having a conversation. Thanks for your input :)

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Bring me up to speed. I know there was a lot of whining about women being too sexy in video games or something.

(ah the luxuries of living in the gender equity Valhalla that is the western world. Next there will be protests that there's not enough diversity in reality TV shows. When has there been an African American Bachelor? Loose the dogs of academic grievance war)

And equally spittle-flecked debate about game reporters which honestly is a category of journalism? Sorry video games aren't rock, still too uncool and moms-basementy. Of COURSE it's basically advertising.

What happened to Gawker though? Did they get in trouble? Revenge of the nerds?

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Next there will be protests that there's not enough diversity in reality TV shows. 

There... already is? There's also a movement for more diversity in the workplace. Been around a while, actually. 

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1. gawker has published some incendiary stuff mocking gamers as a whole as a group of sexist pigs basically

2. gamers, a powerful consumer group, were offended

3. many mainstream advertisers do not want to offend gamers, and thus elected to separate from gawker. 

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Credo in Deum

I'm confused because the two links above show me the same thing? :unsure:


The first link shows the Gawker page with it's advertisers and the second shows the same page without said advertisers because they pulled their support from Gawker in order to distance their brand from being associated with Gawkers opinions. 




As far as I'm concerned Gawker can vanish into oblivion.  

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There... already is? There's also a movement for more diversity in the workplace. Been around a while, actually.

Yah clearly major victory for race relations if we can have a truly diverse cast of characters in reality TV, a segment of vapid mind-draining entertainment that actively undermines western civilization and makes you more stupid as you watch it.

That and a cessation of police brutality.

That's why there have been all those massive demonstrations nationwide and the president gave a moving speech about how far we have to go until a Hispanic woman wins The Biggest Loser.

Derp derp. Oh the swamps of academic grievance land.
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