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Pope Francis - Closing Address To Synod


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I agree with Archbishop Gadecki that this Synod has done far, far more damage than ultimate good. It has made the Church look like it wasn't merciful and understanding before, but now that we have this new great Pope and we're rid of that mean-faced Kraut who represented the pre-Vatican II Church, the curtains have finally been lifted and now we're open and loving to everyone.




Again, I could be wrong, but that is the general sentiments that have been given to me, and it's certainly the sentiment being run in the media.


The parochial vicar at my parish agrees.  


The issue is not that moral doctrine will be changed, as it has not, and cannot be changed.  However, just as with the discussions in the Church over contraception in the '60s, people get the idea, spread through the media, that these moral teachings are now open to discussion and revision, rather than closed, and will disregard the Church's actual teachings.  Even if the synod concludes with a stronger and clearer reiteration of Church teaching, the damage has already been done, and cannot be easily undone.


In any case, the "mid-term report" given to the media has absolutely zero binding authority, and no moral teaching has been changed, nor will it.

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I think that some people will believe what they choose to believe.  The problem, I don't think anyway, is the Synod or anything else, the problem is formation of the laity and adult catechesis.

If there is a need to look at pastoral matters regarding various moral issues, then these matters need to be looked at - The Church cannot hold back on what She interprets as Her duty and a need in The Church out of fear of the media possibly misinterpreting and therefore some getting wrong information.  I am relatively confident that if Catholics are getting their information from the media and incorrect information, a short talk with their pp will set them straight.  Better still, why not pp's on Sundays stating that nothing whatsoever is changing in The Church on moral matters related to homosexuality, divorced and remarried Catholics outside The Church not able to receive Holy Communion, contraception etc. and no matter what the media has to state.  Why can't they explain that the Synod is about how we treat such people, and not at all about changing The Church's moral teaching on these subjects.  Seems to me easy done if there is such a big crisis in The Church over this Synod..........not yet complete and final until the last sitting in October 2015 and the conclusions submitted to Pope Francis for his final and conclusive statements on it all.  And all that will take time AFTER October 2015 and the final sitting and conclusions etc. etc.


Or is there such a major rebellion amongst our bishops and priests that the above, while being understood, is not agreed with and therefore they would refuse to make such statements from the pulpits.  Man oh man, if this is so, then we really do have a crisis on our hands and a crisis of leadership.  And if this is so, to my mind, bring it on and out the closet as it were, because it would be in existence anyway and would be a major crisis not only of Morals but of Faith also.


Perhaps Pope Benedict's prediction that we have to prepare ourselves for a far, far smaller and less powerful Church is not that far off the cards............perhaps!

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