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50+ Phatmass T-shirts On Ebay. Interested?


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I need to rid my shelves of excessive t-shirt inventory. I have a crazy idea of just putting them all in a box, making a list of of the style/sizes in the box, and putting the entire thing on eBay--starting the bidding at $1.


I figure this might be something to get if you are involved in a youth group or fundraiser at your church. You get a big box of phatmass t-shirts to give away, sell, or do whatever you like with.


Good idea? Bad idea?

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I can just see the next picture from some Catholic mission to Africa with a bunch of little Nigerian kids wearing "Haters gonna hate" t-shirts.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

sorry dUSt i have been strapped for cash for a month with no end in site for a month, if there are still tees available in one month hopefully i can purchase some.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Actually i could probably sacrifice $50+p/h next payday. if you wan't to really really get rid of it, probably would go for a whole lot more on an ebay auction. Bet some random richy buys it for a hefty sum and pays the phatmass bills for a year or 2. ebay is world wide and if you advertise it as final printing never to be seen again i bet some collector snaps it up.

But also yeah if your willing to give it away for a dollar than perhaps it is better to send it to the poor in haiti. Or some other country, perhaps jaimaica, somewhere that speaks english anyway, they speak english, unsure if haiti does. And you may see some people randomly purchasing your music in the future after seeing a phatmass tshirt.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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