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Marriage Rates Hit New, All-time Low


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You are confused between a marriage being valid and a marriage being sacramental. Non-Catholics can and do contract valid marriages. They are simply natural, i.e. non-sacramental. However Catholics are bound to observe proper form - held to a higher standard. For that reason, a Catholic who does not observe proper form is not married validly. Two non-Catholics are not bound to observe the canonical form, therefore their marriage is valid, simply not sacramental.

no i understand it ; what you said makes no sense, but if you agree with yourself that is all that matters.

Edited by superblue
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no i understand it ; what you said makes no sense, but if you agree with yourself that is all that matters.

I have no charitable way to respond to this, except perhaps this response. Please feel free to address and overcome your ignorance on this subject.
"There are millions of presumptively valid marriages out there (untold numbers of which were entered into with the Church’s express or implied authorization) that are not sacramental. Sacramentality is a consequence of the parties’ baptismal status—not about capacity for, consent to, or observance of ‘form’ in, marrying. Annulments look only into the latter three points for only they impact the validity of marriage. The distinction between validity and sacramentality in marriage is vital not only for clear thinking about the annulment process or pastoral preparation for marriage but also for the Church’s wider social defense of marriage as a natural institution (a defense that collapses if the Church is restricted to defending only in-house religious ceremonies). Anyone who repeatedly confuses validity and sacramentality of marriage cannot usefully opine about the annulment process."

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Now, the vast majority of marriages between Catholics and non-Catholics in the Middle East and Africa are those contracted with Muslims, Jews, or animists. But to call these marriages “mixed” is to confuse marriages between Catholics and non-Catholic Christians (which are sacramental and are designated “mixed” in Canon 1124) with marriages between Catholics and non-baptized persons which, though presumptively valid, are not sacraments. Entering marriage without the grace of Matrimony is a pastoral challenge quite distinct from entering marriage with those graces (albeit with a spouse not in full communion). The language being reported does not seem to recognize that important fact.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Verita. 1. I don't really believe in internet searching for figures in general, there is a whole load of croutons unless it's official government stuff but western governments particular the U.S i don't trust as much anymore and the eastern governments even less, and it is very difficulat to seperate the weeds from the wheat when searching the internet for stuff, and your never going to believe me but half the stuff is made up or a fancified cover up by someone/s. My source is reliable, he is a holy priest and has heard many confessions, and the two women i asked after the priest told me this figure are reliable as far as i can tell and both said that figure would be about right amongst all the women they know and have known, perhaps it is an australia only figure but i doubt it.


The west isn't as you may like it to be at present, we have to face the facts, in the last 100 years it has pretty much been turned on it's head into a pagan and heathen festpool in general, if this is true the figure of 3 in 4 women are abused shouldn't really be doubted. Most of the one quater that isn't abused more than likely comes from the churches mostly.


Oh i guess are we talking about the marriage rate in the churches or outside? Because most people live outside the churches now days, and a lot less people are church goers anymore or even christians period.


God iz Good.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Little2add, to answer your question in one sentence, people are not getting married because there are more reasons NOT to get married than TO get married.  Let's look at a breakdown of the reasons.


1. Dysfunctional Educational System - As someone pointed out earlier, a lot of people are in school for longer than ever before.  This  simple fact will definitely bump up the age of marriage.  Oftentimes, the 4 year degrees people are getting are puffed up with a lot of BS classes that are irrelevant to the major itself and the major itself won't help them get a solid paying job.  The ridiculous amount of time needed to complete the education is also the reason why student loan debt is spiraling out of control.  Imagine how much less debt students would have if some bachelors degrees were condensed into 2-2.5 years as opposed to 4!


2. Cultural Shifts - The culture has changed since the 1950s and not in a way that favors marriage.  Premarital sex is higher, abortions are more common, radical individualism is more common, gender roles that gave society a path to follow have been eroded, people are much less religious etc.  In addition, people take longer to mature (partly to blame due to the dysfunctional education system).  I'm sure this reason does not need much explaining.


3. Parasitic Family Court System - With a 50% divorce rate in the US, most people either grew up with divorce in their family or they know someone close to them who did.  The family court system is unfair, expensive, ignorant, and harms a lot of people.  There are virtually no safeguards if your ex decides to be a dick and make the process as difficult as possible.  Everything that you work for could be taken away from you if the judge decides to do so.  That's definitely a strong detterent against marriage.  Also, the divorce attorneys make out like bandits, charging 200-300/hour, sometimes even more.


4. Men Receive Poor Treatment/Radical Feminism - Society generally looks down on men and elevates the position of women.  In a courtroom, if it's a man's word against a woman's, you better believe the judge will believe the woman.  When women complain about something in society that makes them unhappy, they are praised for being strong, independent women.  When men complain about issues they are having, they are told to "man up" and stop complaining.  The fact that women are a protected class in the West does not sit favorably with a growing number of men.  Women nowadays can be pretty hypocritical.  They want all of the perks/privilleges of old school womanhood.  On first dates, plenty of girls still expect the guy to pay for everything, even though they are not barred from the workplace.  But don't you dare tell that same woman that she can't have an abortion or should not be sexually active before marriage! :rolleyes:  It's either one or the other.  Women price themselves out of the relationship marketplace by demanding the best of both worlds and avoiding the responsibilities of both.


5. Lack of Economic Opportunities - Marriage is actually doing well with certain segments of society; the segments of society with MONEY.  What's the point of getting married if you have little/no income, can't afford to move out, and bleak or unpredictable job prospects for the future?  Marriage is one of those things that requires favorable conditions to happen.  Right now, those favorable conditions don't exist for a lot of people.

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