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Marriage Rates Hit New, All-time Low


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Is that what the old saying "why buy the cow if you get your milk for free" is all about?


Yes, that's exactly what she was referring to. 


Think about how some of those factors work together to encourage the "why buy the cow if you get the milk for free" minset.  Because of contraception, people don't have to risk their career, since they have the comfort (false as it is) to have sex without having to worry about pregnancy (although they forget about the risk of STDs, plus artificial contraception is not 100% effective).  This is reinforced by our culture.  


I didn't realize that the topic would be steered so much in this direction. 




Edited by Norseman82
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Many also point a finger at the federal government, saying its policies encourage people not to marry. They cite tax penalties for married couples and noting that assistance benefits to single parents generally drop if they get married and increase their household


According to the latest available census data, the percentage of U.S. adults who have never been married has hit a new, all-time high.

In 1960, about one in ten adults over the age of 25 fell into that category.

By 2012, the number had jumped to one in five.


WHY? :think2:



I don't know about any statistics but I think the main reason is deff the Federal Government, and a democrat party that works very hard at destroying the concept of what a family is, along with a weak kneed republican party not doing enough to stand up for marriage.  Then add in a liberal society that paints the picture of the exact opposite of a life that Catholics / Christians strive towards... and there comes a clearer picture as to why.


Our own political parities, and government are working to make sure that their church is more powerful than the True Church.  An if they can destroy marriage, they are one step closer to sealing the lid on the coffin.

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I don't know about any statistics but I think the main reason is deff the Federal Government, and a democrat party that works very hard at destroying the concept of what a family is, along with a weak kneed republican party not doing enough to stand up for marriage. Then add in a liberal society that paints the picture of the exact opposite of a life that Catholics / Christians strive towards... and there comes a clearer picture as to why.

Our own political parities, and government are working to make sure that their church is more powerful than the True Church. An if they can destroy marriage, they are one step closer to sealing the lid on the coffin.

I couldn't disagree more! People have control of their our behavior, The government is not out to get us, society behavior is merrily a reflection of the way we live
Finding Happiness (heaven) simply goes back to following the path of righteous selfless lives, as Jesus Christ taught Edited by little2add
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

You're kidding, right? Otherwise, I'm going to want to see statistical evidence for such an assertion.  


It's a guess, hence the "i think..." :)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

You're kidding, right? Otherwise, I'm going to want to see statistical evidence for such an assertion.  


And you don't think women would rebel against this, if there has been a dramatic increase over the last 100 years? I know i would if i where a women?

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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And you don't think women would rebel against this, if there has been a dramatic increase over the last 100 years? I know i would if i where a women?


I am a woman.  I honestly don't think the initial reason women think to themselves "I'm not going to get married" is because they think they're going to be abused.  Abuse is just as likely, if not more, in cohabiting couples.  And like I said, I don't believe there's an increase of abuse over the last 100 years.  It's become more visible and acknowledged what constitutes abuse, and the enshrinement in law has been removed (ie. you can hit a woman with a stick as long as it is no bigger in diameter than your thumb.)

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Interesting, even gay men are physically assaulted more than women. Thanks for the chart. I would still like to see a comparison on cohabiting vs married partner violence.

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I couldn't disagree more! People have control of their our behavior, The government is not out to get us, society behavior is merrily a reflection of the way we live
Finding Happiness (heaven) simply goes back to following the path of righteous selfless lives, as Jesus Christ taught



Pft the thing is, the goverment already has us, so there is nothing to get, all that is left is maintaining the power they have, and perhaps I should have included all sources instead of just pinning it on the gov, but since the topic was aimed at the gov i stuck with just that.


to be objective the fault is three fold, the gov, the Church, and ourselves.


The faults of the government are obvious, the Church is a lil more complicated, but after hearing the topic on i think it was C.A.F radio I couldnt disagree,  basically the speaker mentioned that the between Holy Orders, and the Sacrament of Marriage, the Sacrament of Marriage in regards to preperation is done a diservice because at best the couple only goes through a 6 mnth phase where it is probably not much more than than a few retreats and what not, vs a candidate for the priesthood, who is constantly scruitinized for years on end before finally being ordained, going through a rigerous and daunting interview, having your life torn wide open for all to see and judge..... 


so the speaker was trying to emphasis how comparing the two, that for the sacrament of marriage, there should be more than just a simple 6 month program with scattered retreats, and then of course it comes down to individuals in the faith, ( cant really say all of society because marriage is a sacrament for those of the faith  so really the topic it self is a  misnomer, the topic and the polling should be done specifically on those catholics in the church who are able to be married  considering the church does not consider marriage outside the church valid ) OR split the topic into secular marriage for those who want to make it a political agenda , in which case the blame is only on the Government and those indivduals who chose to or not.


In the secular world outside the faith, the government and society ( media , tv programs etc ) are not doing anything to support marriage.


when you have orgs in the world that promote feminisim , hatred towards men in general,  have drive through divorce options, and portray a single life and just cohabitating as being the way to go, on top of promoting abortion and how one should not be burdened with children if they so deem it, then why would that secular society on a whole be inclinde to want to consider marriage as a life long commitment.

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so the speaker was trying to emphasis how comparing the two, that for the sacrament of marriage, there should be more than just a simple 6 month program with scattered retreats, and then of course it comes down to individuals in the faith, ( cant really say all of society because marriage is a sacrament for those of the faith  so really the topic it self is a  misnomer, the topic and the polling should be done specifically on those catholics in the church who are able to be married  considering the church does not consider marriage outside the church valid ) OR split the topic into secular marriage for those who want to make it a political agenda , in which case the blame is only on the Government and those indivduals who chose to or not.

You are confused between a marriage being valid and a marriage being sacramental. Non-Catholics can and do contract valid marriages. They are simply natural, i.e. non-sacramental. However Catholics are bound to observe proper form - held to a higher standard. For that reason, a Catholic who does not observe proper form is not married validly. Two non-Catholics are not bound to observe the canonical form, therefore their marriage is valid, simply not sacramental.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye


I am a woman.  I honestly don't think the initial reason women think to themselves "I'm not going to get married" is because they think they're going to be abused.  Abuse is just as likely, if not more, in cohabiting couples.  And like I said, I don't believe there's an increase of abuse over the last 100 years.  It's become more visible and acknowledged what constitutes abuse, and the enshrinement in law has been removed (ie. you can hit a woman with a stick as long as it is no bigger in diameter than your thumb.)


So you don't believe that in the west the rate of physical and sexual abuse towards women ( and yes a wife can be raped by her husband) has increased since the introduction of moving pictures, which i believe to be the image of the beast, which i also believe is practicaly run by the free masons as i believe the theatre was in europe pre dating moving picutres, not to mention there manipulation of the news media, for a very very long time.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

arghh edit time out> :( So like, you say it has always been this way in christiandom? That men just abuse women sexually and physically at a 3 out of 4 women have been abused rate, well perhaps it is only a quater of men that do it right and they do 1000s upon 1000s of women each, which is possible but still putrid. And again i truly believe there has been an major increase and that this is one of the main causes of marriage down due to P.T.S ( post traumatic stress) which has led to women just not bothering to get married. Not womens fault by the way.

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So like, you say it has always been this way in christiandom? 

No one is saying that. Literally, no one. 

That men just abuse women sexually and physically at a 3 out of 4 women have been abused rate, well perhaps it is only a quater of men that do it right and they do 1000s upon 1000s of women each, 

I'm calling BS on the 3 out of 4 thing. Maybe, maybe half of all women in the US have been genuinely abused. Actually, I just looked it up. It's less than that- only a quarter of women have been abused/will receive abuse. 


One in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime.


I agree it's a horrible thing, whether it's one women or a million, but get the facts straight, at least. We can all agree single guy abusing thousands of women scenario is ridiculous. 

And again i truly believe there has been an major increase and that this is one of the main causes of marriage down due to P.T.S ( post traumatic stress) which has led to women just not bothering to get married. Not womens fault by the way.


Ok... If someone is a victim of domestic violence, I agree that they may suffer from PTSD. It may make them less likely to marry again in the future. That seems reasonable. 


However, that doesn't make non-victims less likely to get married. I know people who have experienced domestic abuse. Unless it happens to me or my mother while I was growing up, I am not going to get PTSD. I'm not really that much less likely to get married because someone I know had a bad experience, and I'm not going to get PTSD from their experience.


Women are not getting PSTD from other people's bad marriages, and the amount of women who are being abused is fortunately lower than you believe, so PTSD rates are thankfully rather low. I agree that abuse rates have risen slightly from the 1960's, but there is not some crazy sudden rash of abuse across America leaving millions of women with PTSD and therefore lowering marriage rates. 

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So you don't believe that in the west the rate of physical and sexual abuse towards women ( and yes a wife can be raped by her husband) has increased since the introduction of moving pictures, which i believe to be the image of the beast, which i also believe is practicaly run by the free masons as i believe the theatre was in europe pre dating moving picutres, not to mention there manipulation of the news media, for a very very long time.


the thing is, I'm not sure there is an actual increase in relationship abuse.  Women have always been spousally raped; but it was never recorded until recently because it wasn't illegal.  Many would even argue that the woman was being too frigid, or whatever, and that it was a husband right, not just spousal, but absolute, to have relations with his wife regardless of her consent.  


There is more awareness now of what constitutes abuse, and a movement away from abuse being specific to certain races or classes.  Remember that in the past abuse was not enough for a woman to divorce her husband; she also needed to prove that he had cheated on her.  


I think the proliferation of sexuality in the media is absolutely a factor in the increase of aggressiveness when it comes to assaults, but not necessarily a factor in the actual number.  Women would have accepted cat-calls in the past as just a hazard of being a woman, typically unescorted by a man.  Now it is not acceptable; not sure that has changed how many men actually cat-call. 


There also used to be much more subtle advertisements with spousal abuse - where husband are shown spanking their wives.  It's not explicit pornography, but it still sent the message that one to treat his wife in this manner for really trivial cases.


All this being said, I honestly have never met a woman who decided she was not going to get married because she feared spousal abuse.  There are a few who do, usually because they were harmed by a family member when a child, but these women are very few.  The decision not to marry to a far more complex one.

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Veritasluxmea beat me too it, but seeing her post reminded me that abused women more likely to move from one abusive relationship to the next, not flee marriage and relationships altogether; that's if they get out of the relationship at all.

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