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My Latin Prayers!

John Ryan

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I'm going to assume you meant Italian-speakers rather than French-speakers.

In which case, true enough. I remember this one shop lady in Assisi who couldn't speak any English. She spoke Italian and I spoke Latin. We managed to understand one another.


No. I'm talking about the different things that 'Italian pronunciation' means. Because I don't speak Church-Latin-with-Italian-pronunciation in the same way as people do in Switzerland, much less France, much less in the US. You can give people pronunciation guides until the cows come home, but introibo ad altare Dei is just going to sound very different.


It's not even a problem. As long as people know what introibo ad altare Dei means, and the phonology is vaguely similar, then an international congregation is going to muddle along just fine. But singing definitely evens things out.

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Btw, the site I linked does have a pronunciation guide which is how I first learnt how to pronounce Latin and it has served me very well. 

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Thy Geekdom Come

Btw, the site I linked does have a pronunciation guide which is how I first learnt how to pronounce Latin and it has served me very well. 


Preces Latinae? I took Latin with the owner's daughter at Steubenville. Nice girl. WAY beyond anyone else in Latin class, and we were the 8 or so stalwarts who were proficient.

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I am learning to adore the prayers in Latin. It really makes me feel a connection to the history and tradition of all the Saints who came before me.

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Thy Geekdom Come

I am learning to adore the prayers in Latin. It really makes me feel a connection to the history and tradition of all the Saints who came before me.


If you haven't already, go back through Fr. Z's old blog posts on translating the Latin prayers of the Mass literally. Some of the hidden meanings he pulls out are fascinating and deeply edifying.

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