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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Waiting On The Lord Part 4

Golden Years

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Golden Years

I still don't have a job.  My son has moved out and is living in a residential care facility about 50 miles north of me, so I no longer have his help with the rent.  I miss him terribly but it was his decision.  My landlord wants me out, so they can fix up the place to sell.  I was checking into low income housing, but there's a catch - you have to have income.  LOL.  Anyway, God and Our Lady have come through.  Out of the blue, another Phatmasser decided to move down here near the Abbey and needed a place to stay, and so we are going to be roomies.  I still have to come up with rent, only not as much.  Please pray that I get a job soon, and that everything falls into place with the rental (the place we're hoping for hasn't officially said yes yet), and that her trip out here goes well.  Please also continue to pray for my son, that he will be happy and well cared for in his new home.  Thanks everyone and blessings to all. 

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