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Dress Code For Going To Mass


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Dress Code For Going To Mass


That would be nice ....



Of course that would not be done as donations may go down if people could not show up in shorts and a t-shirt.



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Come on, you think I actually read the Bible so shallowly?


Are we supposed to believe you read the Bible at all ....






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I went to mass one time. I hadn't showered for three days and was wearing a torn t-shirt.  All of the people there were wearing tatters for clothes and were covered in mud and mud like substances.  None of them had bathed in weeks.  


Holiest most reverent mass I've ever attended

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye


[11] And the king went in to see the guests: and he saw there a man who had not on a wedding garment. [12] And he saith to him: Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? But he was silent. [13] Then the king said to the waiters: Bind his hands and feet, and cast him into the exterior darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. [14] For many are called, but few are chosen. 


The wedding garment talked of is a garment of praise and thanksgiving(gratitude), by the way. But you don't like my theology right?


And we need to pray as men of God to humbly appreciate the body of any women as Gods creation whether in a berker or semi naked, or even fully naked, actually i believe the pinnacle of all created flesh, for GOD acclaimed ( and not just said,) " Finally, flesh from my flesh, bone from my bone." Pretty good rap from GOD about the womens figure.


Respect that!


Jesus iz LORD!

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Though i don't believe in world wide nudity, nore nudity or semi nudity during holy mass, though breast feeding over crying babies i prefer, though if world nudity happened i would pray to respect all human flesh as Gods wonderful creation. Though no pantaloons = no wallet = microchip for money. and i think an order has every right to have a dress standard, just as i have the right to ask someone to take off there shoes at my porch before entering my house, and if you feet are smelly i will be taking you to the bathroom to wash your feet and yes i have brand new socks for free. lol

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The wedding garment talked of is a garment of praise and thanksgiving(gratitude), by the way. But you don't like my theology right?


And we need to pray as men of God to humbly appreciate the body of any women as Gods creation whether in a berker or semi naked, or even fully naked, actually i believe the pinnacle of all created flesh, for GOD acclaimed ( and not just said,) " Finally, flesh from my flesh, bone from my bone." Pretty good rap from GOD about the womens figure.


Respect that!


Jesus iz LORD!


Dude! what bible are you reading?  "Flesh of my flesh.." is what ADAM says! Genesis 2:23

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Dude! what bible are you reading?  "Flesh of my flesh.." is what ADAM says! Genesis 2:23

I thought yaweh said it?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

lol, so, it was adam whom said that. I still think the womens body is the pinnacle of flesh creation. And to respect and admire it as such i'm trying to do.

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lol, so, it was adam whom said that. I still think the womens body is the pinnacle of flesh creation. And to respect and admire it as such i'm trying to do.

I'll take that interpretation.

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Credo in Deum

I went to mass one time. I hadn't showered for three days and was wearing a torn t-shirt. All of the people there were wearing tatters for clothes and were covered in mud and mud like substances. None of them had bathed in weeks.

Holiest most reverent mass I've ever attended

Were you doing missionary work?
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I attend a Latin Mass church and people generally dress appropriately..; many women wear long skirts and veils. Some dress this way all the time. The men try to dress more formally for Mass. I think dress in general and especially for church should be respectful and modest..

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With some level of affluence, one most often can choose what to wear and when.  This is an undeserved gift from God and one for which I am very humbly grateful. Having lived in a very poor suburb beset by probably every social problem in the book, I know that a great majority of the poor must wear what they can either scrounge or be given.   Because I did live where I did for 30 years, I am quite familiar with the many problems of the poor and often not of their own making at all. I really do think it would be a tragedy, even wrongful, to (formally on some level) adopt a dress code for Mass. I ask myself?


"Would Jesus in any way at all reject or reproach a person because of what they wear?" 

"Am I to look down on another (reject in some manner) because God has not gifted that person as He has me?"


Better that we adopt a page from monastic life worthy of lay imitation - i.e. custody of the eyes at Mass focusing on Jesus truly present in the Tabernacle -  and also custody of our thoughts in His Presence and strive to think well of all.  I am yet to come across a person who did not have at least one good quality I could admire and most often, indeed, more than one good quality worthy of imitation.  Why is it that I am so quick to see effortlessly almost something to criticize and so slow to see, requiring effort most often, something worthwhile?

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I agree we should focus on our own sanctification and not judge others (like their intent etc), and it doesn't bother me at all if someone is dressed poorly - I often shop at second hand stores myself because of financial reasons. However I think it helps a person to strive towards modesty. I have seen many modest clothes at the second hand shop like long skirts... If a parish encourages modesty, I see that as different than encouraging formal clothes - with formality, its good to do if you can afford it but of course not all can. However I think its good to encourage modesty in clothing in general. Especially in parishes in more affluent areas it would be easier for people to obtain this clothing, maybe parishes in poor areas could start a clothing bank or something with more modest clothes than offered elsewhere..? In my own parish many just lead through example, when I first came there I wasn't very modest at all, and I believe God worked through the example of those around me :)

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I also wanted to say that though God did not reject me when I did not dress modestly, over time He helped me see that I was and to change my clothing. Immodesty does offend Him as Our Lady of Fatima said. Since our culture is so immodest it might take a while to realize that like it was for me. So I have no problem with those who try to encourage modesty of course in the right way and proper to their position in the church, also by leading by example. People have different approaches about that. Of course it should be done charitably. The Saints did that too. As laypeople we can also give practical help. :) I think judging a person is different than judging an article of clothing - we can go to a store and determine what is modest or not without judging the intent or state of soul of the people around us :) of course we need to cooperate with grace for both!

Edited by MarysLittleFlower
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