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The Stars And The Bars.

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

May the love of christ illuminate your minds in faith, hope, love, knowledge, wisdom and understanding.


So i'm not from the u.s so please don't take offence to these comments and know nothing of the history of the flag of the united states of america.


I was meditating upon the flage of the united states of america and came to this conclusion, the bars are the common people and the stars are the extraordinary, which got me to thinking how america and her allies seem to focus on the stars nowadays instead of the bars which contribute to the most part of the flag. It is the little saints that do the most work, the ordinary saints though of course it is not to discredit the great saints whom also play a mighty part in the wheels of salvation but do we focus to much on the stars and not the bars and become bamboozled thinking or feeling that as ordinary christians we are not capable of what the stars are capable of which perhaps we aren't, or spend our lives trying to be a star and getting little to no fruit not realizing that the bars are actually very very very important and without them there is no united states of america or perhaps we begin to idolize the great, even worship and become dissatisfied with the ordinary. 


Of course this has a twist due to the fact that the u.s.a has a great influence on many countries across the world and we are following the leader, so truly to varying degrees for different people all across the west, the stars and stripes is also our flag, of course along with our own and native flags.


So what do you all think about the Bars and the Stars?


God is good, God is love.





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I'm writing this to stop you from making a major faux pas should you ever visit the USA or the next time you interact with an American. 


The "Stars and Bars" does not refer to the flag of the United States, but, rather, to the flag of the Confederated States of America (the southern states that tried to secede during teh Civil War from 1861-1865 in order to preserve slavery).  Although the South failed, the flag still is considered a symbol of southern pride and states rights and, to some, is a symbolism of racism. 




What you are really referring to is the "Stars and Stripes".  The 13 stripes refer to the original 13 states; the stars on the field of blue represent the current number of states. 

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

sorry i was saying bars because it rhymes with stars, and whether you call them bars or stripes same diff really, though i understand your upsetedness if the confederate flag was called the stars and bars. I will go and have a look at the confederate flag now. I just checked the confederate flag and i'm unsure they are bars because there is only 2 red stripes, in a coat of arms i think you need 3 minimum to be considered bars/stripes though i'm suddenly thinking perhaps you can have 2 bars or stripes but they have to be independant of the border. I don't know that's just an observational guess.

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I used to get the word 'Yank(ee)' terribly wrong. I thought it meant someone from the south of the US.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

lol yankee doodle dandy is a freedom song, an all american song i think, my understanding which is limited is that it is a kind of break free of the crown cooee, yankee doodle he's our man, fighting for our freedom... i think that is how it goes, unsure of the rest of the song. I may be incorrect, U.S.A brothers and sisters correct me if i'm wrong and give me half a mark if i'm close. :P I am discerning this from only a little knowledge of the states and hearing the tune in old western movies and the cartoon roger ramjet, which probably is a free mason gig corrupting young children to pop some d bolt steroid pills and smash the faces of people they think are bad.

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Tab, the story goes that Yankee Doodle was a derogatory name given to colonial fighters by the British forces.  "Macaroni" is a term referring to dandies of the time, generally British.  I don't remember much more without some research.  "Yankee Doodle" was claimed and repurposed by colonial fighters.  A lot of other terms go through the same process.  The first verse, as I learned it, is below.  There are mulitiple versions and verses.  Enjoy!


PP, Yankees and Rebels are different as Cavaliers and Roundheads.  You gave me a good chuckle.


Yankee Doodle went to town,

a-riding on a pony.

Stuck a feather in his cap

and called it macaroni.


Yankee Doodle keep it up,

yankee doodle dandy.

All the lassies are so smart

and sweet as sugar candy.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Feather in the hat seems kinda pro native. good good.

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