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Badder Hair Than A Nun


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Probably too silly to put of Vocation Station. I'm working at a Monastery this summer and nobody thought to tell me, until now, that my hair is badder than a nun's.


The Kubota Nun (she operates the Kubota tractor) said, "[SilentJoy,] did you get your hair cut?"

"Um...no," I said.

KN: "Well why NOT?"

Me: "Hey, it looks better than yours."

KN: "How would you know? Besides, I just look like a boy."

Me: "So what do I look like?"

KN: "No comment."


I got a cuuuuute little haircut at Wal-Mart. :paperbag:


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I got a cuuuuute little haircut at Wal-Mart. :paperbag:


...which I showed her.

She said, "That's why I like veils, they cover a multitude of sins."

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That is the main reason I keep my hair long. It stays looking nice longer. Though a veil would work on covering up ANY type of bad hair cut.

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I do believe one may have a bad veil day, but that may be more easily fixed than a bad hair day! :troll: :nunpray: :hehe2:

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I do believe one may have a bad veil day, but that may be more easily fixed than a bad hair day! :troll: :nunpray: :hehe2:



Prioress: "Your veil is crooked, Sister."

Nun: "My HEAD is crooked."


This is now my favorite response when anyone says that I've done something awry.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I rarely have a good hair day. :( My love how i have done my hair fades by the end of the day, similar with sunnies and hats, i like em for a season and then i am like, whatever why do i care even.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just put my hair back in a French braid or regular braid and put a wide, cloth headband on it. The headband colors I chose from are green (for school), black, white, navy, and gray (dark and light). Every now and then I will wear my hair down, but that is a rare occasion!

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I just put my hair back in a French braid or regular braid and put a wide, cloth headband on it. The headband colors I chose from are green (for school), black, white, navy, and gray (dark and light). Every now and then I will wear my hair down, but that is a rare occasion!

It almost sounds like your hair could almost have a liturgical theme goin' on...

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