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Stranger Danger

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

May the love of christ illuminate your hearts and minds with knowledge of the truth and understanding in wisdom.


In australian pre schools and primary schools for many years "Stranger Danger" has been shoved down the childrens throats. It has created a social climate of mistrust and alienation and perhaps increased the rate of suicide. Before the ilumanati free masons began this program (well i'm guessing it was them) of brainwashing in our schools the australian people where happy to say gday to a stranger and have a quick conversation, there was no fear(false evidence appearing real) of your fellow australian. And of course the media(bad news) doesn't help either, put 2 and 2 together, media(bad news) + stranger danger = a paranoid, subdued, fearful and useless society that knows only charity in dollars. This is what i'm thinking is part of the cause anyway. The media is a money making machines that farms a profit off other peoples misery and cuts and edits stories to push an agenda and we never get the pure unadulterated truth, no better than a drug dealer.


Is stranger danger preached in primary and pre schools in the U.S ? And if yes what are your thoughts on the stranger danger program?



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Well, the main thing with stranger danger is... it's incorrect. Unfortunately, abuse is almost always done by friends or relatives of the family, people whom you would normally trust. Strangers account for a very, very small part of the abuse. Nowadays society is realizing this and stranger danger is loosing its popularity. I guess "Family Danger" doesn't have the same ring to it. 

Before th ilumanati free masons began this program of brainwashing in our schools 




Edited by veritasluxmea
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Well, the main thing with stranger danger is... it's incorrect. Unfortunately, abuse is almost always done by friends or relatives of the family, people whom you would normally trust. Strangers account for a very, very small part of the abuse. Nowadays society is realizing this and stranger danger is loosing its popularity. I guess "Family Danger" doesn't have the same ring to it. 



An overwhelming majority of those sexually abused are abused by family members, mostly consisting of fathers, uncles, and older siblings.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I don't think the program was simply about sexual abuse, i think there is a more isideous agenda, whether intentional or not. And verita your as bad as the media :P, add the brackets immediatly after i said the illumanati free masons. Actually i see you posted pre edit, give it one minute before you reply. The edit option runs out after about a minute.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

You guys don't think there is something more than sexual abuse awareness going on hear? We probably already new family was doing the most of sexual abuse of minors, it is called incest.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Not so much in schools, but I do remember hearing about how my dad chewed out one of my cousins for talking to a stranger outside.  So yes, it was part of the culture I grew up in.


Plus, I grew up on the NW side of Chicago precisely at the time John Wayne Gacy was getting victims in that general area.  People my age had not too many degrees of separation from his victims. 

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

murder has been around since kaine and able norseman.


Divide and conquer. Divide the community and you can conquer them because they cant unite because there paranoid of each other. I can't believe we fell for it, i can actually because most did. It is an outright asault on the commandment " though shalt love your neighbour," if your paranoid and fearful of your neighbor  than how can you love them? And it works if your paranoid of an imaginary enemy than you can't focus on the real enemy which is the devil. So an imaginary enemy in the minds of the people and they chase phantoms.

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murder has been around since kaine and able norseman.


Divide and conquer. Divide the community and you can conquer them because they cant unite because there paranoid of each other. I can't believe we fell for it, i can actually because most did. It is an outright asault on the commandment " though shalt love your neighbour," if your paranoid and fearful of your neighbor  than how can you love them? And it works if your paranoid of an imaginary enemy than you can't focus on the real enemy which is the devil. So an imaginary enemy in the minds of the people and they chase phantoms.




It's called the virtue of prudence. 

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