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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Just to share with you all something father cappie posted in catholic question answer when i asked about the magesterium. Not that the chummy commoners are above the priests bishops and pope but pay particular attention to what i have highlighted, perhaps i am reading it wrongly and have taken fr cappie out of context, and sorry ahead of time if i have.


Fr cappie posted this...


b) Ordinary Magisterium: this second form of Church teaching is continually exercised by the Church especially in her universal practices connected with faith and morals, in the unanimous consent of the Fathers and theologians, in the decisions of the Roman Congregations concerning faith and morals, in the common sense of the Faithful, and various historical documents, in which the faith is declared.


The Ordinary Magisterium is not infallible. But then neither is the Ordinary Magisterium fallible to such an extent that any number of teachings might be in error, to any extent. 


Read the whole question and answer if you would like in the Q and A forum, it is titled magesterium

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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God made promises to the Jewish people. He also made promises to the decendents of Ishmael. The spirit of God flows where it wishes. If God has a relationship with people under a means known to him then so be it. It's not for me to make a claim. It is Gods job to figure this out and not me, thankfully. I think our job is to be the best followers of Jesus we can be and to talk to others about the great impact God has on our lives.

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