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Japanimation and... internet?

Youtube, HD streaming, anime, blogs, etc..

And then Kpop, more anime, JRPGs, more etc..

Plus like email and Google Docs and boring stuff.

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Thank you for praying. im here. the visa people almost made me cry the were so rude. and the airline lost my bag. At least I saw it coming and got insurance.
I am currently sitting in a hostel known as "The Laughing Fat Man." I took a tuk-tuk (cart attached to motorbike type thing) here and got to see a bit of the city. Its all pastels and beautiful. Its frickin hot. Everything is really bright, colorful, vintage-ey. Kind of Cuba-ish. Tons of cops/private security milling about on street corners with high powered machine guns. Initially panicked cuz my laptop was running low and my charger plugs wouldnt fit. I am phoneless - this is my only link to civilization. commence nervous sweating. Thank you Jesus I wandered down a random street and found a random shop which sold me an adapter. I feel I can handle Phnom Penh. Now to freak out about the job. Met my coworkers today: Polish, Australian, and French, and although "we all do everything," apparently I'm going to be the one whose teaching quite a bit. Kids who don't speak english. uckity uck.

also: as it turns out my wifi was slow because I was trying to use a proxy server to get around Chicom internet restrictions. Chicoms trying to keep me off facebook yeah right.

Edited by Lilllabettt
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

lilla bette ask the saints martyrs and heros of the line of de barri to pray for you. We are untouchable. remember your stripes your un sung heroes, forget the stars for a bit lillbette, coz it may be a trudge.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Wow Lilla.


Thats intense.  Can you still post on PM?  I know that over the years PM has provided a sense of continuity no matter where I was.


Indeed, phatmass has always been a great forum of exchange.  Keep posting, love to hear the good phatmassers do across the world.

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