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I'm moving to Cambodia this morning for a job with Aide et Action, a French relief agency. Don't know anybody or where I'm going to be staying or anything like that.

I kind of feel sick to my stomach.

Anybody ever lived there or visited or anything?

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I'm moving to Cambodia this morning for a job with Aide et Action, a French relief agency. Don't know anybody or where I'm going to be staying or anything like that.

I kind of feel sick to my stomach.

Anybody ever lived there or visited or anything?


I know nothing, but am deeply impressed. Count on my prayers.

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Wow Lilla.


Thats intense.  Can you still post on PM?  I know that over the years PM has provided a sense of continuity no matter where I was.

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Wow Lilla.
Thats intense.  Can you still post on PM?  I know that over the years PM has provided a sense of continuity no matter where I was.

when I'm in the capital I will have internet but not in the rural provinces. I hope I stay in the capital more often than not ... cuz its almost all Buddhist and the Mass my Polish boss goes to is in French. Which I studied in college but don't really understand.

ETA: maybe I will just run away from the airport after I get dropped off Edited by Lilllabettt
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Good luck. Make sure you have someone to talk to if you feel down, and let us know how things go over there.

(This brought to you by me being sick and missing my mommy from a foreign country. Yeah.)

Edited by Christina Thérèse
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I've been to a bunch of masses in a foreign language. You'll be fine with it. I also used to carry a small radio to listen to Ewth on shortwave.

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Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.


And I agree with CatherineM - you'll be able to follow the Mass in French - you know the parts, you've studied French so you'll learn the words fairly quickly, which means that the homily will be the part you struggle with the most.



Bon voyage!

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I just want it known that I knew about this months in advance, which I'm pretty sure means I'm more special than the rest of you.

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