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I Would’ve Died For That Right Like She Died For Mine


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It is rather frightening how pro-choice advocates have begun to revel in abortion. It is no longer a solemn choice for them, but a triumph of the will. 

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It is rather frightening how pro-choice advocates have begun to revel in abortion. It is no longer a solemn choice for them, but a triumph of the will. 

Some have called abortion a demonic sacrament.

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Some have called abortion a demonic sacrament.


There used to be a a metal statue people worshiped as a god, and he was the god of prosperity and fertility. In order to properly worship him and get what they wanted, the people would light a fire in his belly and do a ritual, and then they would place a newborn baby into his stomach and sacrifice him in return for wealth and fertility. Steve Ray says modern man still worships this false god through abortion, because they're killing their babies in the name of economic prosperity.

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Sometimes when people are incredibly vocal about something, they're trying to prove to themselves that their beliefs and or decisions are right.

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Steve Ray says modern man still worships this false god through abortion, because they're killing their babies in the name of economic prosperity.

The more things change, the more they stay the same... 

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Lets pro choice everything, i have the right to choose to rape, murder, armed rob etc etc. IGNORAMUSES, god forgive there ignorance, amen.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

cheat, lie, steal, molest children, violence, drunk and disorderly, why fly when you can get high and drive, lets legalise the whole lot than shall we? Run red lights,stop signs and breed kittens just to stomp there little heads in?

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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It is hard to believe  :think:  that a pre-infant human child could or would lay down her life to protect her mother’s right to kill her in her belly.


 Somehow this narrative does not seem plausible.

Edited by little2add
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Would this woman who had her abortion be willing to lay down her life so that her mother could have aborted her?



Evidently her mom did not share the same opinion about life

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It is rather frightening how pro-choice advocates have begun to revel in abortion. It is no longer a solemn choice for them, but a triumph of the will. 


While I haven't read the linked glue-huffing post article (besides the idiocy of the title speaking for itself, pages of that left-wing rag have trouble loading in my computer for some reason), celebration of abortion as a good in itself seems to be increasingly common on the left.


For another example, Texas gubernatorial wannabe and Dem Party sweetheart Wendy Davis (or, rather, her ghostwriter) boasted in her campaign biography, "Forgetting to be Afraid," of her abortion of her severely brain-damaged daughter as being the courageous and "loving" choice, and saying that she helped her example would give other women "the courage to make the choice she did," or something to that effect (can't find the quote now).


While not condoning Davis's actions, one might sympathize with her (taking care of a severely handicapped child is hard), but to boast of her choice to kill her child as somehow heroic is absurd, as well as diabolical.  It's doubly shameful that she's trying to use it for political leverage.


Are those women who choose life for their severely disabled children and to care for them cowardly and unloving by contrast?


Those are the women who are courageous.  Abortion is taking the easy way out (which also happens to involve killing a child).

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