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Why Have A Diocesan Office / Taxes


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With technology being as advanced as it is,  digitally speaking, what is the need then for a physical diocesan office ?


Other than having a physical place to sit down and hold a meeting, which can be held at any parish hall, why not have each perspective branch of a diocesan office be digital. A smaller office could be physically built to keep back up hard copies of documents needed. with minimal persons needed to run it, or spread hard copies to respective parishes .


Also from what I can gather, parishes are paying taxes to said diocese, so first why are we taxing ourselves and then complaining about how poor a parish is, and how much financially would a parish gain by removing that tax because the diocese no longer collects from individual parishes.


Seems that if parishes are being taxed it is towards the payroll for maintaining the diocesan office and related expenses to the function there of. Things like funding for seminaries / CSA etc are usually from donations and other fundraising events are they not ?


More over, what if a parish decides not to pay taxes to the diocese it belongs to, is that parish thusly shut down ? Has there ever been cases like that ?



But anyhow, a giant diocesan office, paying property taxes to the state , insurance, etc, or go digital, use cell phones, and respective parishes to make faxes etc.  It could be done, plenty of NGOs do it.

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Well, for one, the dioceses pays all the big things, like liability insurance and buys things like Health insurance plans for priests and other workers as well as provides office space for other workers like people running food pantries, etc.

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"Branch offices" don't particularly work well in a diocesan model.  Often, these various offices have to be able to talk to each other, and if they're located in the same building, it makes for a much more efficient system.

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Because people would troll digital Diocesan Offices like there's no tomorrow.


"lol KKKristians gOD don't real"

"Please stop."

"Y? afriad of enlightenment? stupid superstition < science bro"

"Seriously, we're just trying to organise a food drive."

"lelk" *tips fedora*

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Basilisa Marie

With technology being as advanced as it is,  digitally speaking, what is the need then for a physical diocesan office ?


Other than having a physical place to sit down and hold a meeting, which can be held at any parish hall, why not have each perspective branch of a diocesan office be digital. A smaller office could be physically built to keep back up hard copies of documents needed. with minimal persons needed to run it, or spread hard copies to respective parishes .


Also from what I can gather, parishes are paying taxes to said diocese, so first why are we taxing ourselves and then complaining about how poor a parish is, and how much financially would a parish gain by removing that tax because the diocese no longer collects from individual parishes.


Seems that if parishes are being taxed it is towards the payroll for maintaining the diocesan office and related expenses to the function there of. Things like funding for seminaries / CSA etc are usually from donations and other fundraising events are they not ?


More over, what if a parish decides not to pay taxes to the diocese it belongs to, is that parish thusly shut down ? Has there ever been cases like that ?



But anyhow, a giant diocesan office, paying property taxes to the state , insurance, etc, or go digital, use cell phones, and respective parishes to make faxes etc.  It could be done, plenty of NGOs do it.



Because church people are notoriously bad at technology. 


Okay, that's not entirely fair, but if you spend as much time looking at diocesan websites as I do, you start to find out pretty quickly that they aren't the greatest when it comes to being technologically adept.  Furthermore, my diocese had all the records for volunteers and employees' background checks on a server and it got hacked, and tax fraud was committed against hundreds of people (including myself). AND most people who run the diocese are much older, who haven't grown up with these technologies.  It just wouldn't work. 

The diocese has to collect from parishes because that's how it runs. Where else would it get the money? Christians have been supporting the greater universal Church since the time when Paul was writing his letters (he went around asking for a collection for the Church in Jerusalem). 

It really wouldn't save that much money to go to a digital platform, either. You'd have to pay for server costs, software, and loads of security systems and tech support people. 

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