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Posting mainly in response to some stuff goin' on VS about veggie communities......


Which 'denomination' are you?


Is this for ethical/dietary/other reasons?


If you are a non-meat person is there an occasion when you would eat meat ( out of consideration for others for example).



I eat meat. There have been long periods in my life when I didn't, only one of those times was in the convent.

I don't eat 'red' meat....beef, sheep or goat, but I do eat bacon and poultry.

I love fish and prefer it to meat.

If I have red meat it makes me incredibly drowsy and uses 80% of my energy for me to process it so I get really sluggish.



If you eat flesh, would you be willing to hunt/kill/butcher it yourself. (I have done all three).

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I eat meat.  However, I find conventional methods of raising meat animal objectionable, so I generally eat meat from alternative sources.  I am willing to hunt/kill/butcher the meat that I eat.

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My biggest concern is both for food saftey and human worker safety.


I am willing to butcher/kill what I eat, but i like it better when my dad hunts the vennison and Tillie's on the hill butchers it and seals it in nice meal-sized portions.  mostly becuase i cannot possibly be as efficent as Tillie's.


I strongly am opposed to people who think they are doing the world a favor by being vegetarian then buy beans from Guatamala where some 8yo is being paid 10 cents to work a 80 hour week.

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Being an Orthodox, twice a week and during fast periods I eat vegan. It's definitely a sacrifice, as I love animal products (eggs, dairy, poultry, seafood, and red meat). I swear I feel like a rabbit on those days. Lol. Still, it gets me eating more vegetables than normal.

I agree with what BlazingStar said about worker safety and care. I shop at Whole Foods, buying humanely raised meat Fair-Trade whenever possible. It disturbs me when a person is more concerned with "animal rights," advocating a vegan lifestyle when out of the other side of their mouth they are in favor of abortion. There is something seriously wrong with that picture.

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Being an Orthodox, twice a week and during fast periods I eat vegan. It's definitely a sacrifice, as I love animal products (eggs, dairy, poultry, seafood, and red meat). I swear I feel like a rabbit on those days. Lol. Still, it gets me eating more vegetables than normal.

I agree with what BlazingStar said about worker safety and care. I shop at Whole Foods, buying humanely raised meat Fair-Trade whenever possible. It disturbs me when a person is more concerned with "animal rights," advocating a vegan lifestyle when out of the other side of their mouth they are in favor of abortion. There is something seriously wrong with that picture.

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Posting mainly in response to some stuff goin' on VS about veggie communities......


Which 'denomination' are you?


Is this for ethical/dietary/other reasons?


If you are a non-meat person is there an occasion when you would eat meat ( out of consideration for others for example).



I eat meat. There have been long periods in my life when I didn't, only one of those times was in the convent.

I don't eat 'red' meat....beef, sheep or goat, but I do eat bacon and poultry.

I love fish and prefer it to meat.

If I have red meat it makes me incredibly drowsy and uses 80% of my energy for me to process it so I get really sluggish.



If you eat flesh, would you be willing to hunt/kill/butcher it yourself. (I have done all three).

I am vegetarian-friendly, occasionally semi-vegetarian, but I have family members who need meat  I prefer meat to be organic, humanly raised and slaughtered. I wold opt for a more kosher diet if I could because it is familiar and healthy and doesn't eat garbage. If it was up to me, I would eat more vegetarian but not totally, and I would request assistance in slaughtering as needed but assist in killing my own food. I've grown squeamish to blood again.

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I am vegetarian-friendly, occasionally semi-vegetarian, but I have family members who need meat I prefer meat to be organic, humanly raised and slaughtered. I wold opt for a more kosher diet if I could because it is familiar and healthy and doesn't eat garbage. If it was up to me, I would eat more vegetarian but not totally, and I would request assistance in slaughtering as needed but assist in killing my own food. I've grown squeamish to blood again.

Whole Foods has Halal and kosher meats. I love Indian food, and I feel better about eating the Halal Indian frozen meals because they're kinder to the animals, from what I've read. They also don't feed them artificial growth hormones or antibiotics. I believe this is against kosher practice, too, but I'm not sure.
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Edited by Socrates
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Posting mainly in response to some stuff goin' on VS about veggie communities......


Which 'denomination' are you?


Is this for ethical/dietary/other reasons?


If you are a non-meat person is there an occasion when you would eat meat ( out of consideration for others for example).


I've been a vegetarian for 12 years now. No fish; yes dairy.


Ethical reasons, if you can apply ethics to animals (I see ethics as being more...people related).


I have absolutely no interest in ever eating meat again. The thought alone makes me queasy. If pregnant and strongly advised by the doctor then I would do fish. If I was told to eat something like chicken I would not eat over what was necessary and I truly would have to force myself. The thought bothers me a bit because I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to keep it down. Honestly the thought of eating animals completely disgusts me so I'll probably gag and/or throw up if it comes to that.

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Whole Foods has Halal and kosher meats. I love Indian food, and I feel better about eating the Halal Indian frozen meals because they're kinder to the animals, from what I've read. They also don't feed them artificial growth hormones or antibiotics. I believe this is against kosher practice, too, but I'm not sure.

We could be friends.

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Whole Foods has Halal and kosher meats. I love Indian food, and I feel better about eating the Halal Indian frozen meals because they're kinder to the animals, from what I've read. They also don't feed them artificial growth hormones or antibiotics. I believe this is against kosher practice, too, but I'm not sure.

What are your favorite Indian dishes?

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Which 'denomination' are you?


Is this for ethical/dietary/other reasons?


If you are a non-meat person is there an occasion when you would eat meat ( out of consideration for others for example).


If you eat flesh, would you be willing to hunt/kill/butcher it yourself. (I have done all three).


i'm non-denominational but i go to a penecostal church.


i'm a vegetarian for religious reasons (ethical and dietary all come under that).


i would eat meat if i knew that the animal it had come from had lived a life that honoured god the creator. if i was in a village in the peruvian highlands where livestock is raised locally, traditionally, then i would eat meat if they offered it to me and if they would take offense at my not eating.


i don't really see a reason for myself to hunt for meat in the kind of society i live in (first world), when i can simply eat vegetarian food.


some people need to eat meat. and i would never look down on them for doing so. but i don't see why *I* should eat meat.

Edited by Kia ora
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I've been a vegetarian for 12 years now. No fish; yes dairy.


Ethical reasons, if you can apply ethics to animals (I see ethics as being more...people related).


I have absolutely no interest in ever eating meat again. The thought alone makes me queasy. If pregnant and strongly advised by the doctor then I would do fish. If I was told to eat something like chicken I would not eat over what was necessary and I truly would have to force myself. The thought bothers me a bit because I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to keep it down. Honestly the thought of eating animals completely disgusts me so I'll probably gag and/or throw up if it comes to that.

what would you do if you felt called to a religious vocation?

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Credo in Deum

She would submit herself to God's will, however, since God seems to be calling her to the married life, I don't think she is going to have to worry about this anytime soon. 

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