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Things You Wished You Had Learned To Do...


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Learn Latin, study Gregorian chant..build and refine vocal- singing ability...Study theology..learn to sew.. habits for other communities! No interest in the standard knitting,crocheting,soap making,woodworking dept.

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if I was entering a Monastery, I'd want to learn how to grow tea and make cheese first.

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I would love to learn calligraphy. It would be fun to spruce up notes and such.
I could see where any area that you might have an interest in could potentially be valuable to a community one never knows what skills you might need!

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Calligraphy would be an excellent skill to have......art, drawing etc are useful too.



I learned bee keeping, then we had bees for the first time. I was very popular, particularly with the Sisters who had a sweet tooth. 

The noviciate bred Finches.....these were sold on to other breeders.

Edited by maximillion
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Awww, I love finches :blush:

I have seen bee-keeping done in several communities, all different Orders, too. I'm afraid of bees, but that would be something to learn!

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Bees are lovely.......I only got stung when I was learning their ways and after a while didn't need all the protective clobber.

So long as you are gentle with them, leave them enough honey to see them through the winter and are not allergic to them, it is a lovely thing to do.

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Hi Brandylynnmarie,


I wish I had learned to play the organ and the flute.  I actually took lessons of both instruments as a child, but never persevered.  Also, in monastic life, there are crafts and artistic type things that the sisters do at recreation.  I wish I had learned calligraphy for card making and how to make rosaries.  I learned both things in the monastery, but it would have been better to learn it beforehand. 


Oh, and a degree (or at least classes) in Theology and spirituality is helpful.  I went with graduate degrees and was asked to teach some classes to the novitiate - while I was in the novitiate!!!

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Oh that is awesome! Actually teaching classes as a novice! I would have been soooo nervous :twitch: May I ask what subjects you taught?

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Yes.  Definitely this one!


Also learn how to clean and do basic housework.  It will help immensely.

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Also learn how to clean and do basic housework.  It will help immensely.


That's a skill everyone needs, whether in religious life or not!


Anyone married, with children, can tell you the amount of housework increases exponentially, not arithmetically, with each additional child and as they grow older...when discussing skills or hobbies that can be done in recreation periods in the cloister, well, I wish I'd had had a definite "recreation" time when raising children [not to mention the glee with which the kids would unravel what I'd crocheted in those odd moments when I could take a break, when my back was turned]


In fact, I've just had a brilliant idea: there should be a religious order which supplies sisters who will take over your house for a week while you go on a retreat at their convent...

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