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Why Do You Think Pope Benedict Resigned?


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i might wonder if it's because he considered himself first and foremost a theologian. and he didn't necessarily want to influence the church in a formal capacity.


i wonder if his current work is actively published.


i wonder if it was a matter of pride too, cause he often pushed some controversial stuff. and he didn't want it to go to his head? not that i can read his heart, just an idea.

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I have lots of opinions, but the last time I voiced them, I got run down and attacked from all sides, so pass.

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I have no access to his own thoughts, but I like to think that he felt the Church needed someone else than him right now. And Pope Francis certainly is the Pope the Church needs right now.

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Nihil Obstat

I have lots of opinions, but the last time I voiced them, I got run down and attacked from all sides, so pass.

As I recall, you called Pope Benedict "a quitter", implied he wanted to unduly influence the choice of his successor, and suggested that he would be second-guessing the choices of the next pope. And that you were "disgusted."

You may have that opinion if you want, and I can respect it inasmuch as I trust you to hold your opinions in good faith, But I think it is quite unfair to characterize the response to your post as running you down and attacking you.

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Credo in Deum


Because you touch yourself at night! Stop doing that!
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As I recall, you called Pope Benedict "a quitter", implied he wanted to unduly influence the choice of his successor, and suggested that he would be second-guessing the choices of the next pope. And that you were "disgusted."
You may have that opinion if you want, and I can respect it inasmuch as I trust you to hold your opinions in good faith, But I think it is quite unfair to characterize the response to your post as running you down and attacking you.

You only had access to online posts, not to the messages I received as well.
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My take? It all got too much. He inherited a mess of worms and (IMO) didn't handle certain issues too well.......


I cannot imagine how it must have felt to be trying to deal with all of that stuff. He was Pope, yes, but he is human too. I was/am stressed out by it, I am only guessing he was too.

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I think he wanted to set an example for future popes. John Paul II's example of suffering service was great, but we also needed the example of someone who discerned it was time to change their ministry. Lifetime papacies are a great tradition, but like a true traditionalist, Benedict was flexible enough to identify when tradition didn't best serve the Church in a particular case. Because of his courage (and it takes a lot of courage to blaze a new path in your 80s with billions looking on) future popes will be able to discern God's will more freely without the weight of human expectations.

It also helped clarify a lot of false theology that had cropped up around the papacy: it's an office, not another level of ordination- therefore it's not necessarily permanent. And the charism of infallibility applies to the office, not the person. So I think he also planned it all along. I read that at one point Benedict visited the tomb of Cellestine, the other pope who resigned, and left his pallium there at the grave - looking back that was probably a sign. Ever the theology professor, I think his resignation was a teaching point too.

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Nihil Obstat

You only had access to online posts, not to the messages I received as well.

All right, fair enough.

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The world was not yet ready to handle the awesome and superior reign of a German Pope, and so he resigned before the world exploded.

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My thoughts is that there was a lot more going on in the Vatican than  Benedict felt he could handle.  I think in some respects he was wise, but in others he was foolish.  I know that there are fringe groups who still really consider him Pope.  Perhaps it was best for the majority, but it was scandalous in a way.


Personally, I was glad he resigned because much of what he said and had written introduced alot of strife into the church between those who follow the new missal and those who feel that only the ones before 1964 are valid

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Whatever his reasons were dont really matter I guess. The holy spirit guides all things so we can trust that the reasons and the outcome were all meant to be for one purpose or another.

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