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Ends V Means, Lesser Of Two Evils Hypothetical: Not Wearing Condom Wit


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this was an interesting 'ends means' hypothetical in a past debate.

if a man has HIV, and insists on staying promiscuous, and he asked you whether to wear a condom, what would you tell him? he lies about his STDs so as to ensure more promiscuity.

i think i've heard that when one is forced to choose between two evils, they must and can permissibly choose the lesser.
this rubs along with the idea that the ends don't justify the means.


it's not like the man is 'forced' to choose, but he does have two evils at his disposal. spreading HIV or wearing contraceptives.


it might seem like it'd be permissible for a catholic to advise the man to wear the condom, despite the fact that it's said to be evil, due to the fact that HIV spreading is even more evil.




it actually blows my mind that most people said 'no' so much to this question. i can respect being hesitant against advising contraceptives, but this is placing religion above human lives to some extent. it seems like a warped world view. i also suspect they didn't approach it from the angle of 'lesser of two evils'.

but that also brings up the point, that some say there are things thare are 'intrinsic evils' meaning they can never be done. but if we frame them in terms of 'lesser of two evils' scenarios, are they really things that can *never* be done?

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I feel like people around here would rather have an STD than use a condom. Thats just my guess. 



Edited by CrossCuT
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Credo in Deum

I believe the majority of people here on this site would rather abstain from sex, rather than get an std or use a condom. 

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Credo in Deum

No more Dairy threads, please. :sad2: I cannot handle any more.

I agree!  Plus I thought milk had an expiration date!?  What gives!?  :missing:

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