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Western Dominicans - Oct. Come & See


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The Western Dominican Province is pleased to announce the Fall 2014 "Come and See" Weekend at St. Albert's Priory in Oakland, CA. The event will be from 10/31 - 11/2, and will allow young men the opportunity to meet the student friars, to pray with the community, and to learn about the life and mission of the Dominicans. Please 'Share' to spread the word!

For more information, visit http://vocations.opwest.org/home/come-and-see-vocations-weekend/

 â€” at St Albert's Priory.

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The eastern province, St. Joseph, posted this on their Facebook page: 


the next vocation weekend at the Dominican House of Studies will be in September
St. Thomas Aquinas: "To contemplate and to pass onto others the fruits of that contemplation" - next vocation weekend: Sept. 19-21, 2014 at the Dominican House of Studies in DC http://vocations.opeast.org/

VIDEO: "Leaving All Things Behind" http://goo.gl/YysQxF



BTW: The current year's fourteen novices have been approved for first vows. 

Edited by Luigi
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