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Shootings In America


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I agree, I realized the thread is only about mass shootings. And like I said before, most people will never live to experience one. They are overblown and the media creates mass hysteria using those stories

Again, I agree with you. My main question was concerning why we have higher rates than other countries. I understand that the gun control debate will inevitably be brought up, but that wasn't my initial aim. I should have been clearer.
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mass shootings.


we can conclude with the above evidence that the more likely a person, state, or country is to have guns, the more likely they are to have gun violence and murder in general.


so, it's no stretch of the imagination to think that sometime that violence might include a mass shooting.


again, guns are pervasive, and freely transferred in our society. we also have issues with culture and poor economic security.


it's really not rocket science.

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the mass shooting graph i posted showed from 84 to present.

in 1984 there was 234 million people in the USA. there was around 320 million people at the end of last year. that means the population increased about 36% in that time frame. if you count the number of mass shootings, it almost more than doubled in rate. there is a very significant situation going on here, that isn't accounted for by just population increases.


culture is getting worse, and new media is more sure to give people attention than they were before for doing a shooting.


i might venture that economic insecurity increased, but around 2000 it wasn't as bad as it was at 2010. and it was just as bad in mass shootings, so i'm not sure what to say exactly, other than this stuff i all factors.

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i might as well repeat my last post as i've gained no real head way:



again, no one has responded to the point, that not all people are black hoodies that will stop at nothing to get a gun. if they are restricted, it's very possible they won't get a gun. if they dont have a gun, that statistic that says you are more likely to be involved in gun problems with a gun, wouldn't be true. thus, violence is reduced due to checks.


it's almost like banging your head against a wall. people just try to weasle their way out of this clear stuff.... i mean, if you're okay with people dying so there can be no checks, and people's mere inconvenience isn't an issue anymore, just say so. :wall:

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mass shootings.


we can conclude with the above evidence that the more likely a person, state, or country is to have guns, the more likely they are to have gun violence and murder in general.


so, it's no stretch of the imagination to think that sometime that violence might include a mass shooting.


again, guns are pervasive, and freely transferred in our society. we also have issues with culture and poor economic security.


it's really not rocket science.


That's true but it's simplifying my question. We could eliminate medical malpractice if we got rid of hospitals as well. America does not have the most lenient gun laws. Despite this it seems like we have people more willing to do these sorts of crimes. I'm wondering why that is.

Edited by CatholicsAreKewl
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guns are not a necessity. hospitals are. when we have guns, we have not just more gun murders, but more murders in general. that is proven by the links i provided. we may have more malpractice issues with more hospitals, but that's ust life.


just like the 'more pools' means more drowning, at the end of that video i posted in the opening post.


there's really no other way to approach it than to say it's culture, which includes more hyped media and darkened souls, and all the other stuff i said. economic insecurity, pervasivenes of gun and pervasiveness of free gun transfers.


if you can find stats that show the more guns the better off we are, i'd like to see it. as i said before, if you found anything it is probably just outliers, or anecdotal evidence.. nothing comprehensive. those studies i posted were comprehsnive, looking at all states, counties in general, and individual persons.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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Just so you know, that 40% of sales dont have background checks statistic you keep bringing up shouldnt be considered relevant today. It is from a 20 year old study, using survey data from partially before the current background check system was implemented.


Even Joe Biden alluded to this when he brought it up in a speech on the topic, that it is not a current or reliable number.

Edited by Jesus_lol
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Again, I agree with you. My main question was concerning why we have higher rates than other countries. I understand that the gun control debate will inevitably be brought up, but that wasn't my initial aim. I should have been clearer.


I seest what thou didst there.

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Credo in Deum

That's true but it's simplifying my question. We could eliminate medical malpractice if we got rid of hospitals as well. America does not have the most lenient gun laws. Despite this it seems like we have people more willing to do these sorts of crimes. I'm wondering why that is.


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"I actually did a research paper on the effect of the AWB on violent crime rates in the US for my econometrics class last quarter and the most significant factors in the violent crime rate was lack of education and poverty. Interestingly enough, two-parent families seemed to increase the crime rate as well, but the data also showed that increases in two-parent families reduced the effects of lack of education and poverty (cancelling it out)."


as i argued, culture and unstable economic conditions.

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just like the 'more pools' means more drowning,


So are you now advocating a ban on swimming pools?

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no i am not advocating a ban on swimming pools. i was referrencing the end of the video i posted in the opening post of this or the other thread. he was arguing 'more pools means more drowning but we don't get rid of pools right? likewise, more guns means more murders...." and the host was like "that's my point..."


pools are similar to hospitals, a part of life. no we should not get rid of them. gun aren't the same.

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