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Having Sisters Who Are Sisters (video Made By Sheiscatholics Sisters)


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If you are entering and have siblings, they may find this interesting/helpful.  I'm the mom.


Edited by andibc
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Praised be Jesus Christ! what fun to watch this! you have such wonderful daughters!!


okay, question, not to turn this thread into another Carmelite Customs thread :proud: but I wondered at 0:50 in the parlor at the Elysburg Carmel, do the nuns there have the black veils actually over their faces? or was that done to the photo to keep them hidden? This is an old custom in Carmel, for no one to see the nuns' faces except immediate family, but I know that even the nuns in Valparaiso, NE do not do this anymore, in the speak room I mean. Otherwise yes, they still cover half of their faces while receiving Holy Communion for instance. But you can see their faces if you meet with them in the speak room (except that there is the double grille in the front of them of course) Anyway, just details but just wondering  :like:

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Omgoodness, what a wonderful family you have! Thank you for sharing with us :blush:

(More videos please :secret: )

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t I wondered at 0:50 in the parlor at the Elysburg Carmel, do the nuns there have the black veils actually over their faces? or was that done to the photo to keep them hidden? This is an old custom in Carmel, for no one to see the nuns' faces except immediate family,


They wanted to include a picture of their Carmelite sister, which of course they knew they couldn't do, so I found the one with the bishop online that is already plastered all over the internet including the FSSP site, and then I darkened the sisters faces in the speak room picture that we took.  In the original picture you could see their faces a little bit, although even then not clearly as there are double bars.  Elysburg follows Valparaiso almost exactly from what I can surmise. 


I'm glad those of you that posted have enjoyed it.  It was a chance for them to share something that most people aren't interested in hearing about and an opportunity to tell some of the rougher parts about having sisters in the convent.  There is a lot of misunderstanding about what it is like for the family, with people usually assuming it somehow elevates the family when really there is very little contact and people forget to ask about their sisters.  I think it was a little theraputic for them to do the video ;)  I thought the part where they said "The best part about having a sister who is a sister is vising them" was a little sad, because the best part about having a big sister is spending time with her whether she's a sister or not.

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They wanted to include a picture of their Carmelite sister, which of course they knew they couldn't do, so I found the one with the bishop online that is already plastered all over the internet including the FSSP site, and then I darkened the sisters faces in the speak room picture that we took.  In the original picture you could see their faces a little bit, although even then not clearly as there are double bars.  Elysburg follows Valparaiso almost exactly from what I can surmise. 


Thank you so much for this reply! Yes, you're right, that one is all over the internet. It's so beautiful of course to get a little glimpse of them! And thanks for explaining about darkening their faces. That was wonderful for you to do that. Yes, I believe they do follow them exactly, although I heard that Elysburg started making the alpargatas/rope sandals, while Valparaiso still uses the Birkenstocks. I think Elsyburg uses both. I love the alpargatas!! but whatever is most practical for a community :) That's also wonderful your daughter's name in Carmel :saint: Happy Feast of St. Teresa of Jesus of Los Andes! 

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