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Automatic Excommunication And Damnation, According To Canon Law


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Credo in Deum

wow how mature calling me " it " thank you for your self righteous offering to God, i hope it helps you two sleep better at night.

an obstat if anything you should be embarrassed for assuming you understood what i meant.

it is rather comical how quick you an others here are to judge and assume to know who a person really is.

but most holy credo almost got his comment correct, what he meant to say was, look obviously we are not going to agree with superblue, how about we just stop responding to him instead of arguing and hoping we can prove how right we are and how wrong he is. ( instead he decided to try take a low blow when his enlightened self decided to get his feelings hurt over an answer he didn't like )

and then you two could have patted each other on the back and been like By golly i believe you are right good sir, good job, chip chip charoo.

The "it" was in reference to your behavior.

God bless.
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Can we perform an evil action to bring about some good outcome?

We humans cannot...only God can do this. He brings good out of our brokenness & sinfulness if we let Him. :blush:
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Nihil Obstat

We humans cannot...only God can do this. He brings good out of our brokenness & sinfulness if we let Him. :blush:

God brings good from evil, but He never is the cause of evil.

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And how would one know if a priest refused absolution to someone ?

other than coming online to announce to it everyone here.

it is a private matter, and I doubt the priest would simply say too bad so sad, no absolution for you, get out and don't come back.

That's exactly what they do. I've had a priest refuse me absolution. Said it right to my face. Since I was throwing up in his living room at the time, I didn't hold it against him.
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I always think they're going to refuse me absolution when I confess. I wouldn't blame them either. Although I would try again with another Priest.

Edited by Guest
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