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Automatic Excommunication And Damnation, According To Canon Law


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Credo in Deum

What are you even trying to say? Every sin is a-ok because you can go to confession later?


Yes, in a way he is saying not to worry since one can just receive the sacraments last minute and be saved.  So in a sense he is advocating the presumption of God's mercy and mocking God's mercy at the same time.  Both attitudes are sins against the Holy Spirit.  

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You can go to confession, but that doesn't mean you'll receive absolution. Priests are allowed to refuse it.

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Nihil Obstat

Yes, in a way he is saying not to worry since one can just receive the sacraments last minute and be saved. So in a sense he is advocating the presumption of God's mercy and mocking God's mercy at the same time. Both attitudes are sins against the Holy Spirit.

I think you are spot on; that is exactly what that post was. Mockery of the Church and God's mercy.
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Yes, in a way he is saying not to worry since one can just receive the sacraments last minute and be saved.  So in a sense he is advocating the presumption of God's mercy and mocking God's mercy at the same time.  Both attitudes are sins against the Holy Spirit.  



 I am so glad to know you are here to judge me, it is good to know that I have such an honest and worthy judge to declare what sins I have commited, please forgive me oh wonderful credo.

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I think you are spot on; that is exactly what that post was. Mockery of the Church and God's mercy.



wow, I cant believe how simple minded everyone is,  if I am mocking anyone it is all of you here, all I did was point out an obvious loop hole to the question at hand.


But hey its cool the self righteous enlightened ones  here have passed judgement on me so obviously I will be sent straight to hell.


Good thing we don't need to listen to anything the Church says or teaches, we can just go to an online catholic forum for all the judgement necessary to be taught what we really need to know in life and be sent to hell in the process of debating and answering questions.


it was a debate nothing more nothing less, sorry if the simple minded self righteous enlightened ones here do not take kindly to sarcasm directed at them in an answer, I never take your simple minded retorts to heart I just enjoy the show that follows from pointing out the obvious.


woe is me ! Pleeeeeeeeaaaaase forgive me !!!!!!!! pleasssseee !


and please please ignore my spot on answer to a question that wasn't even worth debating in the first place.




I could have simply stated, that the sacrament of reconciliation would be a viable recourse to feeling it necessary to break said seal, but what fun would that be, why not instead point out the human factors we have to deal with as humans and the limited strengths we have given by God to thus follow Him and the Church and in turn point out the power of Gods' forgiveness knows no bounds even by broken trust of clergy and criminals alike, and how even the enlightened ones here who are so quick to throw stones that do not add up to their logic of thinking.



I would agree with this tight clique yall have going on, but then all of us would be wrong if I did.



Hey since Credo and the rest  of yall here know me so well, exactly how often am I required by all of you here to go to confession and how long should I stay in confession and how many pages of notes on the things I have done wrong should I bring with me to read off ? And when I pray in church should I get permission to kneel or sit while praying ? and if so by whom ? or can I just bring a cell phone an text someone from here for those directions.




yall have fun patting each other on the back now.


peace out girl scouts.



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You can go to confession, but that doesn't mean you'll receive absolution. Priests are allowed to refuse it.



And how would one know if a priest refused absolution to someone ?


other than coming online to announce to it everyone here.


it is a private matter, and I doubt the priest would simply say too bad so sad, no absolution for you, get out and don't come back.

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Nihil Obstat

Blue, do you have some sort of disability that makes it difficult for you to interact with people? Because I am really searching for ways I can favorably interpret how absolutely obnoxious you are, not only on this thread but on every single thread I have seen you post in.
Chill out brotato.

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the only reason i would protect the right to privacy of the priest in those cases, at least in cases of extreme situations like murder and illegally extreme sexual perversion etc, is because the penitent only confessed due to religious reasons to begin with. i wouldn't protect it for the value of the religous beliefs in and of itself, though, just as a matter of what was practically involved. 


it's always interesting to compare this stuff to other places where testimony is compulsory. sometimes a doctor only knows something because of the practical nature of the situation too... so why protect the religous stuff? i suppose i just see a lot of things being too mixed up, when it has to become more established to the religous types, that not all confessions are truly private, due to the government's restrictions.

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Nihil Obstat


I could have simply stated, that the sacrament of reconciliation would be a viable recourse to feeling it necessary to break said seal, but what fun would that be, why not instead point out the human factors we have to deal with as humans and the limited strengths we have given by God to thus follow Him and the Church and in turn point out the power of Gods' forgiveness knows no bounds even by broken trust of clergy and criminals alike, and how even the enlightened ones here who are so quick to throw stones that do not add up to their logic of thinking.




Wrong. One can only obtain forgiveness if he is sorry for his sins and resolved to avoid them, essentially as we express in the various acts of contrition. If someone were treating the Seal of Confession as a 'wink wink nudge nudge' to be violated when advantageous, this attitude seems to preclude the ability to validly be absolved of the sin.

A priest who breaks the Seal therefore would have to actually respect the Seal and what it stands for before receiving absolution. Your flippant attitude would seem to indicate a lack of contrition and an inability to receive the sacrament.

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fides' Jack

Not to mention that going to confession in the first place requires grace from God.  If He doesn't carry through on that, you wouldn't even be able to go try to receive the sacrament.

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Blue, do you have some sort of disability that makes it difficult for you to interact with people? Because I am really searching for ways I can favorably interpret how absolutely obnoxious you are, not only on this thread but on every single thread I have seen you post in.
Chill out brotato.

rolls eyes,


 grow up.

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Credo in Deum

I am being quite serious. Your behavior on this site embarrasses me.

No point in feeding it further, Broseph. We just have to offer it to God.
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Wrong. One can only obtain forgiveness if he is sorry for his sins and resolved to avoid them, essentially as we express in the various acts of contrition. If someone were treating the Seal of Confession as a 'wink wink nudge nudge' to be violated when advantageous, this attitude seems to preclude the ability to validly be absolved of the sin.

A priest who breaks the Seal therefore would have to actually respect the Seal and what it stands for before receiving absolution. Your flippant attitude would seem to indicate a lack of contrition and an inability to receive the sacrament.



Wrong, and don't try and misuse my hint hint wink wink nudge nudge say no more, ya got no clue evidently where it came from. how dareth you !


Your assumption is one that this pretend priest is knowingly going to purposely break the seal knowing he can just return to reconciliation  and all is well,


even if he did, your enlightened self is forgetting one thing, you have no idea if said hypothetical priest will or will not break said seal again, and if he is or is not truly sorry for what he did, usually people in a court of law are given the basic innocent until proven guilty, evidently that doesn't apply for this hypothetical of a debate in this oh so glorious online court of self righteous enlightened judgers who have been self appointed to judge those they see fit for judging.


And look, if my attitude is a problem for you, go tell someone who actually cares, but don't pretend to go about thinking you actually know me and or my spiritual life and  relationship with God and Christ.


The point was and ill try and slow it down once more


if the priest felt it necessary to break the seal of reconciliation for the well being and safety of another CATHOLIC, Child of God, Christian,


Said hypothetical priest,( in this glorious non judging catholic online forum )  can be forgiven ( but must not under any circumstance come to this Catholic Forum or dare show his face on C.A.F looking for help or forgiveness from the self righteous enlightened ones that fight to bring their glorious knowledge to all online ) in the sacrament of reconciliation and go on living life ( like the rest of mere mortals who hope to one day be as holy as yourself and others on here [not everyone is included] ).



I would apologize for my " attitude and sarcasm " and grovel for everyones forgiveness here so i may be welcomed into the holy clique, but i would rather let all of you who are booty hurt just get over it in your own way and move on.

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No point in feeding it further, Broseph. We just have to offer it to God.



wow how mature calling me " it " thank you for your self righteous offering to God, i hope it helps you two sleep better at night.


an obstat if anything you should be embarrassed for assuming you understood what i meant.


it is rather comical how quick you an others here are to judge and assume to know who a person really is.


but most holy credo almost got his comment correct, what he meant to say was, look obviously we are not going to agree with superblue, how about we just stop responding to him instead of arguing and hoping we can prove how right we are and how wrong he is. ( instead he decided to try take a low blow when his enlightened self decided to get his feelings hurt over an answer he didn't like )


and then you two could have patted each other on the back and been like By golly i believe you are right good sir, good job, chip chip charoo.

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