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Phatmass Walks Across America Thread - California To Maine!


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Good for you, TT!!!!   So.... yes, that makes sense -- you have 12.65 on the pedometer, and extra 12 miles for the swing dancing!  Did you wear the pedometer all week?  or for half the week?  I want to know if I should give you any/pro-rate 'breathing miles' -- if you put it on on Wednesday, for example, I could see giving you an extra 5 of breathing miles.... let me know!


L&T I will give you 10 breathing miles plus 5 for the walking and biking.  Anything else through Sat at Midnight?



AND I am proud to admit my pedometer (and my sore body!) tell me I walked 15.38 miles last week.  This is 3-5 miles more than I have been averaging, and I blame it ALL on you guys pushing me!  (Or is it pulling me? because you are all way out ahead of old me?)  Either way, it works for me!!!!




How did the rest of you do, and did you all see the St. Teresa walking with us thing???  Want me to post more of those little videos of her pilgrimage????  She's going to be walking along through the Americas, through Asia, through Africa, and then into Europe, I believe.  Don't know if she will be doing Australia... I hope so!


It will probably be Mon or Tues before i can get the 'where we have been walking' video up..... but it's coming!

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Can I count the hours I spent playing the piano? :P Or working on pointillism? I probably got five miles last week...


Uh... CarterMia... no, not unless you did it on a treadmill or with a stationary bike.  We really DO have SOME rules and limits!   :P







3-Geese_sm.jpg"Three Geese Walking" (art done in pointillism)


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Well, Crosscut, 40 miles is a good start (!)   However, if you were a pioneer woman in th US, you would be doing MUCH MUCH more... in addition to any OTHER walking you might be doing, you'd be doing your spinning walking back and forth, back to front spinning yarn.  Uh... about 20 miles a day.   On cornbread and water.   Maybe some bacon. Oh, and that would be most likely BAREFOOT, and most likely on a dirt floor.  MAYBE a wooden one.... Yeah.  So... hm... that would be 120 miles (6 days a week - we'll let you take Sundays off!!!!   But stay away from my fur... don't get any ideas  ;)




Here's a clip an article about it:


from http://thelibrary.org/lochist/periodicals/bittersweet/su75g.htm





The wheel is called a walking wheel because the spinner is continually walking back and forth with the yarn she spins. Pioneer women could walk up to twenty miles a day from corner to corner in their cabins while spinning their yarn.


As she slowly turns the walking wheel with her right hand, Carol Lee shows the first step. She stretchs out the rolag to even out the wool in preparation for the next step.


The point of the spindle as it rotates spins the wool into a yarn. Notice the blending of two colors in the yarn.


Carol now demonstrates how far one rolag will go.


She backs up the wheel to wind up the spun yarn.


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Anyone else have mileage THROUGH LAST SATURDAY that she wants to submit?????




(Please note, in liturgically correct dress for this Season of the Year.... ;)

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Well.. THAT was frustrating.  I almost had the next walking travelogue segment DONE... weather, locations, pictures, videos, comments.... and my computer hiccuped.  


No more walking segment.  Pooof!


So... I lost the work and I lost an hour -- almost like 'spring forward fall back'  



So... no update today!  I am trying!  But I am out of time if I am to do any walking!  





So... maybe over the next few days.... I can recover what was lost....

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Its ok Anneline although Im sorry your hard work was lost! :(


Im going to start taking a yoga class at my gym on saturdays...I wonder how yoga calculates into miles?  :think:

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Thanks for your condolences, CrossCut!  :console:  They are appreciated.


I dunno... I think an exercise professional would say that yoga is more stretching than cardio...but we don't make that distinction.  I'd count it as 15 mins of exercise = 1 mile.... just to make it easy.  Anyone disagree?  


Reminder for everyone... I will be doing final counting for last week this evening... you'll get breathing miles if you don't check in,  You can always put in the miles next week....

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Welll.... here is the mileage for the week ending 11/8/2014:   
Current Walkers:
....................................breathing............plus 500...........plus actual mileage................TOTAL
Ancilla Domani ................. 10 ...................................... (10 baseline plus _____)
AnneLine .......................... 15.38 ................................ (pedometer 15.38)
CarterMia ......................... 15 ..................................... (10 baseline plus 5) 
ComingBack ..................... 10 ..................................... (10 baseline plus  ______)
CrossCut .......................... 50 ..................................... (10 baseline plus 40)
Light & Truth .................... 10 ..................................... (10 baseline plus 500 plus 3 + 2)
SpemInAlium .................... 10 .................................... (10 baseline plus _____)
TheresaThoma ................ 24.65 ................................ (pedometer 12.65 + 12 dancing)
Tigger60 .......................... 12.79 ................................ (pedometer 12.79)
Welcome back, L&T!!!!  Glad to have you with us!
In the past these other walkers have also participated -- we'd love to have 'em back, 
but I am not going to count them unless they indicate they still want to join us.
BG45 (10 baseline)
BrandelynMarie (pedometer)
Maximillion (10 baseline)
xTriciaxLynnx (10 baseline)
We're still praying for all of you -- please do join us if you want to!
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oooops!  Did anyone catch the error?


L&G should read:


Light & Truth .................... 515 ..................................... (10 baseline plus 500 plus 3 + 2)



So the corrected count is:


elll.... here is the mileage for the week ending 11/8/2014:   

Current Walkers:
....................................................Pedometer/breathing (plus 500) plus actual mileage
Ancilla Domani ................. 10 ...................................... (10 baseline plus _____)
AnneLine .......................... 15.38 ................................ (pedometer 15.38)
CarterMia ......................... 15 ..................................... (10 baseline plus 5) 
ComingBack ..................... 10 ..................................... (10 baseline plus  ______)
CrossCut .......................... 50 ..................................... (10 baseline plus 40)
Light & Truth ................... 515 .................................... (10 baseline plus 500 plus 3 + 2)
SpemInAlium .................... 10 .................................... (10 baseline plus _____)
TheresaThoma ................ 24.65 ................................ (pedometer 12.65 + 12 dancing)
Tigger60 .......................... 12.79 ................................ (pedometer 12.79)
Welcome back, L&T!!!!  Glad to have you with us!
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Spem in alium

Yikes. Sorry I forgot to update! :(


This last week I walked about 10 miles. If you want you can add it to next week's -- which I WILL update on time!

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Yup, you will have to walk in our dust this week, Spem ;) , but you COULD outpace all of us if you get focused with that 10 mile 'lead'.  Well.... maybe not CrossCut and Carter... but yeah, the rest of us, yeah....  

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