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Phatmass Walks Across America Thread - California To Maine!


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Everyday Im getting more steps in! Im trying to beat my previous step count! :evil:


Although its been quite hot and humid outside this week so I havent gotten in my regular runs. Im going to get back on track this weekend!

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Spem in alium

Can I include gardening and housework (dusting/sweeping)? I did a few hours of that too over the weekend, so if they count I have about 15 miles to record. If not, put me down for 12 miles. 

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Spem in alium

Oh, and those Grand Canyon videos are so great! I don't know how good I'd be with the skywalk, but the train sounds fun...even with the robbers!

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8 miles for me in the last few days. I really need to add more activity to my day to day routines. Im not hitting the 10k daily step count. 

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DId I forget to post last week? :doh: I can't remember! Please put me down for 26 miles this past week, however! 

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while on vacation the week of 8/8/24 I got 13.48 miles and the week of 8/24/14 I got 15.17 miles then I came home and got jet lag and sick so I am starting to feel better now and will start wearing the pedometers again.

Edited by tigger60
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OK guys, I fell off the posting wagon.  I've been walking, but not posting.  I'll put in my mileage and give us a point count later today... and then get us started on the next part of our journey!


Edited by AnneLine
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Hello, Everyone!   We have the Stats for our Travelers for the most recent period now:



Mileage posted between 8/6/2014 and 8/12/2014:   



AnneLine ........................ 13.36 (pedometer) - adjusted for pedometer misbehavior....

BG45 .............................. 26.00 (10+16 miles + 10 baseline)

BrandelynMarie .............. 21.00 (pedometer)

CarterMia .......................  34.00 (24 mile + 10 baseline)

CrossCut ........................  34.00 (10+12+2 miles + 10 baseline)

Maximillion ...................... 26.00 (16+10 baseline)

SpemInAlium ..................  12.00 (2 miles + 10 baseline)

TheresaThoma ............... 24.76 (pedometer)

Tigger60 .........................  15.01 (pedometer)

xTriciaxLynnx ................... 10.00 (10 baseline)



TOTAL MILES:   226.22



Mileage posted between 8/13/2014 and 8/19/2014:   



AnneLine ........................ 15.73 (pedometer) - adjusted for pedometer misbehavior....

BG45 .............................. 20.00 (10 miles + 10 baseline)

BrandelynMarie .............. 27.00 (pedometer)

CarterMia .......................  42.00 (32 mile + 10 baseline)

CrossCut ........................  24.00 (14 miles + 10 baseline)

Light & Truth ................... 10.00 (10 baseline)

Maximillion ...................... 22.00 (12+10 baseline)

SpemInAlium ..................  12.00 (2 miles + 10 baseline)

TheresaThoma ............... 32.58 (pedometer)

Tigger60 .........................  14.92 (pedometer)

xTriciaxLynnx ................... 10.00 (10 baseline)



TOTAL MILES:   230.23




Mileage posted between 8/20/2014 and 8/27/2014:   



AnneLine ........................ 13.59 (pedometer) - adjusted for pedometer misbehavior....

BG45 .............................. 10.00 (10 baseline)

BrandelynMarie .............. 31.00 (pedometer)

CarterMia .......................  46.00 (36 mile + 10 baseline)

CrossCut ........................  18.00 (8 miles + 10 baseline) -- ??? missing #s?

Light & Truth ................... 14.80 (4.8 miles +10 baseline) -- ??? missing #s?

Maximillion ...................... 10.00 (10 baseline)

SpemInAlium ..................  15.00 (5 miles + 10 baseline)

TheresaThoma ............... 23.30 (pedometer)

Tigger60 .........................  13.48 (pedometer)

xTriciaxLynnx ................... 10.00 (10 baseline)



TOTAL MILES:   200.17




So... we have 3 weeks of completed records and about 1/2 the people have checked in for this week... Excellent!!!  


Crosscut and L&T -- I think I may be missing mileage for you from the last week of what is posted.  If I am right -- just add it to this week's count ....


We have not heard from Tricia for a while, and BG & Max are very busy.   I believe it is likely that they are still breathing  ;) so I have left them with a baseline of 10 miles this week.  Hopefully we will hear from you soon.   (Likely a side effect of Phatdrama and many things going on in their lives...   :( )  


Let's also remember to pray for each other!!!!



I need stats from Cartermia, Crosscut, L&T, Max, Spem for last week!   




Once I have those I can give you yet another set of miles  (I really got behind... sorry!!!)


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L&T -- is that all for last week above your baseline 'breathing' miles of 10?   I don't have any other mileage for you for this week, andI wasn't sure if I should have additional mileage for last week!



And.... very soon... off on our next part of our travels!!!!


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