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Phatmass Walks Across America Thread - California To Maine!


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xTriciaxLynnx and Tigger60 and AnneLine -- we are just waiting for your miles to have TWO WEEKS of miles ready to post!!!!!


The numbers are looking VEEEEEEERRY impressive!!!!!




AnneLine checks in sheepishly.  Now I really MUST order the new pedometer.  I mean, really, it was giving me a grand total of 7.53 miles last week... and two days I had over 10000 steps!   So the rest of the time I think it is currently EATING my miles for snacks.


So I am gonna claim 15.73 miles after adjusting for reasonable guestimates and at least 5 miles of walking  on the 10,000 step days....  which would match up with 10 miles of breathing and 5 miles of longer walking...


I is still slower than most of you..... :(  but I am at least trying... and this IS my 5th walk across the USA.....   and I am LOVING doing this with all of you!!!!!



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Continuing with last week's journey....



Williams, AZ


Route 66 goes from Chicago to the West Coast.   Many of the small towns along its route capitalize on the popularity the Route had during the 1950's.   It featured in a number of movies and TV shows of the period.


Exploring Williams....



Check out the scenes from 'Bearazona'!

Route 66 memorabilia... and classic cars... motorcycles and planes!

Roping skills and cowpunchers...

And the place where if one wishes to do so, one can get a railroad car to Grand Canyon!


Before we go, we should eat something.


Was going to suggest we try this place.... but apparently it has closed....  :eat:




too bad..... think we might know the previous owner.....




Well... Mr. AL and I have eaten here twice... it is a VERY good place if you enjoy steak...








It is DIRECTLY across from the train station, if any of you want to take the TRAIN rather than WALK to the Grand Canyon, you can just go right over and get your tickets.  The rest of us will leave right after lunch.  


OR you can do both... I'll put up some train trip materials later this week....   :)


Meanwhile... everyone else better get ready to head out.  




Flagstaff, AZ


Flagstaff is one of those places that is just on the road to somewhere... in this case, to Grand Canyon.  


(Don't expect snow unless it is winter, btw....)  We may get some rain, however....






Here's a link to all the things you can do in Flagstaff. 


From their Visitor's bureau...




And some info and pictures from the Arizona Leisure Commission:







Humphrey's Peak, AZ


Well... we aren't going to climb it, but it is one of the few things on the map until we get to Grand Canyon....








Bedrock City, AZ (North of Williams)


Since we won't be climbing Humphrey's Peak, we will need a place to stay and have a bite to eat and a drink.  And where better than a visit to Fred and Wilma Flintstone in Bedrock City???  They said to meet them at Fred's Diner....







(i KNOW, it's kitschy, but there isn't much out here.....)




So we'll just focus our mileage out to something that really is worth visiting.....



Grand Canyon Village, AZ









Grand Canyon is one of the Wonders of the World... and for good reason.  Its remarkable size and beauty are well worth the trouble it takes to get here.   Deep down in the canyon is the Colorado River, the Canyon was carved over millennia by erosion from water running down the rocks.


Many people just view it from the top, but you can also arrange to walk or take a donkey down to the canyon (only for those who are in ideal health and can handle a walk in 100+ temperatures carrying water and ALL supplies!)




For those of us who will NEVER take a helicopter or airplane ride over the Canyon... or a whitewater trip DOWN the Canyon but are curious....





There are other videos available if you are curious.... including some of what it is like on the canyon floor.  Just do a YouTube search for Grand Canyon!


We'll just stay here a bit and enjoy the view while we wait for the others to catch up and post their miles. 


Here are some things to do while we wait!







If anyone has been to any of these places, please add some comments!!!!!

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I wore my pedometer all day yesterday and I only got half as much as what youre suppose to get in a day...I got a little over 5k steps. Time to up my game! Or I can go on a run everyday...I havent calculated my average steps plus a run yet...

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my mileage for last week is 14.92.  I think that was the year that Columbus sailed to America.  (HeHehe).

Edited by tigger60
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Yup, CrossCut, I know that feeling.  A pedometer keeps one... 'honester'.  It's easy to over-estimate.....   Did you have to 'set the steps' in the new pedometer?  does it seem to be counting OK?  Can you wear it in a pocket and/or clip it on?  I'm asking because I'm thinking of ordering that variety of Omron this time.....


Tigger, Phatmass sometimes gets slow... .and that has been happening the last few days.  It's tempting to push the 'post' button a 2nd time... but better to wait a minute or two before you do that.  Because... otherwise, you get 2 posts (it's happened a few times to you which is why I am saying it....)   You can't get double miles for posting 2x.  :hehe:

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I thought my pedometer was counting things it wasnt suppose to. Like when Im at my desk at work, i tend to bounce my leg as a habit. For a little while I thought it was counting my leg bouncing...but then I monitored the steps and it seemed to be ok...although Im still suspicious! 


Either way...even if it is wrong, it is still a good way to motivate yourself to move more. No pedometer is going to be perfect. :)

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Just wanted to let people know that when we get to Williams, AZ if anyone is a train rider there is a nice train ride that will take you from Williams to the Grand Canyon you then have time for lunch and then you come back on the same train back to Williams it is a very leisurely train ride and fun to do.  When my husband and I did it we were standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon and we saw a show.  All of a sudden it started getting cold and then the fog and snow and yes I said snow come down over the valley floor.  And it was cool to see it.    

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Just wanted to let people know that when we get to Williams, AZ if anyone is a train rider there is a nice train ride that will take you from Williams to the Grand Canyon you then have time for lunch and then you come back on the same train back to Williams it is a very leisurely train ride and fun to do.  When my husband and I did it we were standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon and we saw a show.  All of a sudden it started getting cold and then the fog and snow and yes I said snow come down over the valley floor.  And it was cool to see it.    

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Spem in alium

Heh. Today I went outside for the first time in almost a week and walked a mile. Hurrah!


I'll be away this weekend, so will send the mileage early next week.

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Mileage for this week was low. 23.30 (estimated because my pedometer got cleared accidentally this afternoon grrr)

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I do not have a pedometer, and I take less than 15 minutes for a bike mile, but I did 3.2 miles on the exercise bike last week.

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I do not have a pedometer, and I take less than 15 minutes for a bike mile, but I did 3.2 miles on the exercise bike last week.


That's cool, L&T.   I'll add it up.  As you don't have a pedometer, I'll give you the 10 miles of 'breathing credit' which is our default for moving around and just living your life.  (It's about what the pedometer registers when the pedometer wearer is too dang sick to move very much and does NO aerobic mileage at all....)  


I can either count it by 15mins = 1 mile, or you can tell me the miles you want me to count.  Either works for me....  This is more about getting motivated and having a fun trip across the USA.


Just wanted to let people know that when we get to Williams, AZ if anyone is a train rider there is a nice train ride that will take you from Williams to the Grand Canyon you then have time for lunch and then you come back on the same train back to Williams it is a very leisurely train ride and fun to do.  When my husband and I did it we were standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon and we saw a show.  All of a sudden it started getting cold and then the fog and snow and yes I said snow come down over the valley floor.  And it was cool to see it.    



Thanks, Tigger60!!!!!


And for those who are JUST feeling up to breathing miles this week, and/or who liked what Tigger60 said about the train from Williams to Grand Canyon.. well... this is for yoU!  (And the rest of us can enjoy it, too....).





And if any of you are feeling adventurous... there is a Skywalk over Grand Canyon.... you can check it out here.... I'm not sure I am ready to look down 4000 feet, myself.... but some of you may be more adventurous!






In a few days we will start our next part of the walk...... so keep that mileage coming!  



Tigger60 is on vaction, so she won't post this week but I bet she will give us a TON of miles next week... we can keep her floating until then.  :)

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