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Why Are Alcohol And Cannabis Treated Differently?


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As a non-user of cannabis but a social drinker, I will say that when I am out with friends, I do drink alcohol to give me a slight buzz and get me into a more social mood.  This is how most people use it.

Yeah...and thats how marijuana works. We dont have specific language for a cannabis high other than being "high" (a word which scares people, no doubt) but its very similar. I know that one can speak from a personal anecdotal perspective but cmon guys, thats how this ish works. People have been smoking marijuana for a long time so I think its safe to say that you can get a "buzz" from it just like you can get a buzz from alcohol. There is a stigma to using words like high and i think its prevents us from getting past some of the misconceptions surrounding marijuana. 


Marijuana is hell of a lot better than alcohol or cigarettes...there is not a history of death or violence associated with this drug and the drawbacks (while still not completely understood at this point) are probably not on par with crap like liver cancer and lung cancer and/or death.




So in the states where marijuana is legal now,  I wonder if  there is a limit now on what is acceptable,,,, 


Recreational marijuana is legal only in two states right now; Colorado and Washington. 



the church may state illicit drugs are bad, but if that is the case why is offering hard liquor or unlimited beer at a fundraising in a parish hall acceptable, and watching people get drunk and having a good time, why would that be okay to raise money in that way, but all of a sudden marijuana is so so evil and that would just be ludicrous to have a pot party fundraising event.To then say that just a little bit of drinking is okay as long as you don't get drunk, but to then turn around and say well all illicit drugs are not only bad but evil and don't even use a little ?


The argument becomes very hard to accept, even if all drugs were legal, from cocaine, heroine, what ever, that doesn't mean I am wanting to buy it, cigarettes does just as much damage as illicit drugs as does booze,, so why is smoking not sinful ? Doesn't mean im running to the states where pot is now legal, nor does it mean if my state were to legalize pot that i'd run out an buy it an go oh boy.  But to say only drink in moderation and you are okay and that is not sinful, smoke a cigarette in moderation and not too long in your life an you will be fine and that is not sinful, an then to turn around an say well if you smoke pot or do any illicit drugs even once, that is very sinful an you better be worried.


I do not think that is the best way to win an argument as to why one should not smoke pot. as there is just too much double talk going on in this regard already.Though I do  think the government is not helping anyone by legalizing marijuana after years and years of anti drug campaigns and all these statistics about children doing pot at young ages, and then screaming about how pot is the gateway drug, to then after decades of fighting against marijuana for states to turn around and legalize it, is very disgusting. I just wish everyone would make up their mind, instead of doing double talk all the time.The history of Marijuana is very interesting though, and how hemp at one point in time was in competition with possibly taking over being a better alternative in making paper. An now the paper industry couldn't have that.


The argument IS very hard to accept mostly because it doesnt make a lick of sense. Im still bored with a conversation about "scandal" and crap. What century do we live in? I still dont completely understand Credo's argument but it seems to me that it stems mostly from a "Omg youll look bad if you do it" kind of thing...aka the stereotype that drives me up a wall. 

If you want to talk about the logistics or the actually use, then he is wrong. 


Another thing I was thinking about Credo; I dont see a difference between the higher levels of THC and higher alcohol content. You seem to spin this as a bad thing like "omg farmers are making such high levels of THC to get people SUPER high" so? Should we ban all high proof alcohol?

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Yea using the word "high" sort of halts the discussion. I think a better word would be "buzzed". If I take a few hits from a bowl I will without a doubt get a "buzz" (even one hit). A buzz that doesn't make me want to talk alot or go dancing. Or give me the courage to go hit on the attractive female. Rather for me it gives me a buzz that makes me want to watch a good tv show or movie. Listen to good music and workout or read a book. This is realistically and honestly what marijuana does for me. Drinking is way more "fun" in that it makes me social and talkative. Unfortunately for me when I drink to much I drive drunk and also say things I don't mean. I want to do lines of cocaine if it's available. And a bunch of other things that my Confessor has heard over and over. Becuase of this I don't drink. None of this has ever happened when I use marijauna. Are there negative aspects to using marijauna ? Yea without a doubt. But to pretend it can't be used in moderation is untrue and laughable. What is even more laughable is if a grown adult uses marijauna they are sinning no questions asked. It's not true.

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Also I think people are douchebag's who make it known to everybody that marijauna is the most important thing in their life. By smelling like it and talking about it non stop. I agree that these type of people are a reason for me not to go around telling everybody that marijauna is a gift from God and it's not a sin to use. I can see how it could cause scandal becuase people see these potheads whose whole life revolve around marijauna and they think everyone that uses is like that.

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And I'm not anti alcohol. Just becuase God took it out of my life I don't hate it. But let's just keep it real when we talk about it. A lot of Catholics get drunk. Often. Most pry don't confess it. Do I have a problem with Catholics getting drunk ? No, becuase alot of them are mature adults and are safe about it. They are not hurting anyone. I'll leave it to God to decide if he's pissed about it. But let's not play games and act like most people that drink don't often times get drunk. Do some people drink just for the taste ect ect ect. Yea they do. But I would say that's the exception and not the rule. So when these same people who sometimes get drunk go on and on about the Catechism and "drugs" and how I'm going to hell for hitting a bowl of a seed bearing plant God called good they need to chill out and keep it to themselves. Or tell someone who cares. I talked to the Most High about it and it's not a sin for me in moderation.

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Although I won't alow people's misconceptions to stop me from doing something God told me He approves. I will be careful though not to scandalize others and keep it to myself for the most part.

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I believe with alcohol and marijuana, the deciding factor of whether it is sinful or not, is actually determined by the intention of the user, their health, and their state in life or duties they're responsible for.

The difference between alcohol and marijuana is usually found in their potency. Most alcohols do not have the ability to render someone buzzed or drunk after the first glass. Marijuana can get you high after the first bowl.

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Can we set aside the law for now? That was not brought up in the original post. Additionally, there are plenty of places where it is legal.

If a drug does not inflict grave damage on human health and life, would you say it is covered by that passage?

and this.
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There are many for whom it is a gateway to nothing more, but there are a few for whom it is a gateway. I met someone like that who ended up with harder drug addictions through someone who had been to rehab for marijuana addiction. Not a blanket statement either way.

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Credo in Deum

The argument IS very hard to accept mostly because it doesnt make a lick of sense. Im still bored with a conversation about "scandal" and croutons. What century do we live in? I still dont completely understand Credo's argument but it seems to me that it stems mostly from a "oh my goodness (don't blasphemy) youll look bad if you do it" kind of thing...aka the stereotype that drives me up a wall.
If you want to talk about the logistics or the actually use, then he is wrong.

This is not what I've said in regards to scandal.

Another thing I was thinking about Credo; I dont see a difference between the higher levels of THC and higher alcohol content. You seem to spin this as a bad thing like "oh my goodness (don't blasphemy) farmers are making such high levels of THC to get people SUPER high" so? Should we ban all high proof alcohol?

Unlike marijuana farmers; the majority of alcohol manufacturers are not trying to create and sell high proof products. I personally feel there should be a ban on high proof alcohol since I do not see any legitimate reason for its recreational use.
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it was either aquanis or augustine, who said that it is okay to 'drink to the point of hilarity'.

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I don't really know what to say to you credo...your arguments are extremely irrelevant imo. They are quite boring to discuss.

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it was either aquanis or augustine, who said that it is okay to 'drink to the point of hilarity'.

exactly the reason it isn't sinful to get a buzz from marijauna.
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