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Why Are Alcohol And Cannabis Treated Differently?


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Credo in Deum

Credo in deum, so you are saing it's a sin because society has negative stereotypes of cannabis use? That's a really dumb reason to decide whether to do or not do something. On several occassions, I let the grass grow higher in the yard (12-16 inches) and I took my time in cutting it. Do some of my neighbors think I'm a lazy bum? Probably. Do I care? Nope, not at all.

That is not what I wrote. What I did say is that recreational marijuana use is associated with certain lifestyles which are contrary to the Catholic Faith. Recreational marijuana use by Catholics can cause scandal by giving others the idea that Catholicism is not in opposition with such lifestyles. Furthermore as I stated above, such lifestyles associated with recreational marijuana users are not only looked at in a negative light by non-users, but they are also looked at in a positive light, and celebrated by, the majority of recreational marijuana users. Your "not mowing the lawn" analogy doesn't even come close to hitting the mark of this discussion.

Also, your last point about loving god more than earthly pleasures still doesn't answer the question. Why aren't other pleasures also a sin? Why isn't it a sin to drink alcohol? If we are talking about Bacardi 151 or everclear, it is very easy to get hammered with that stuff.

My last point had nothing to do with that question. The last part about offering up legitimate pressures was rather a reminder that we are called to a life of sanctity and not mediocrity; a fact most Catholics are intentionally ignorant of. I've also already addressed the question in the above post by giving the conditions which can render the use of a substance as sinful. Also a person who knows they're a prone to drunkeness when taking small amounts of any alcohol would likewise be committing a sin to use said alcohols so, I fail to see your point in comparing the substances, especially since the Church does not regard either substance as inherently sinful.
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Most priests will tell you to stay away from recreational marijuana use because the potency of marijuana typically presents an occasional of sin. Usually because, more often than not, users will not take the steps needed to moderate their marijuana use as not to lead them into a state of being which is sinful.  Plus such steps are extremely difficult if not impossible due to the potency of the marijuana. 


Because one puff of marijuana turns you into a flesh eater.





That is not what I wrote. What I did say is that recreational marijuana use is associated with certain lifestyles which are contrary to the Catholic Faith.

So youre actually against these "lifestyles"; not marijuana.

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The alcohol "lifestyle" isn't that great and pure. Let's go get drunk and hookup. Let's get wasted and have a blast with friends and not remember what happened. The drinking lifestyle doesn't exactly have a halo around it. Yet that shouldn't effect a Christians ability to drink.

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That should read: Something is not, not sinful just because its abuse causes less damage or less immediate damage than the abuse of another substance.

I agree abuse of either is a sin. No arguments there.
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I agree abuse of either is a sin. No arguments there.


I agree as well, but it looks like the big gray area is what constitutes abuse.

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Credo in Deum

Because one puff of marijuana turns you into a flesh eater.


I never stated that it would or that one puff would get you "high." Is this a habit of yours to purposely misread other peoples posts and then reply back with rediculous and snarky remarks that have zero relevance to the posts you quote?

So youre actually against these "lifestyles"; not marijuana.

I'm against those lifestyles and scandal. Again marijuana is not inherently evil, no one is claiming that it is or that the Church has said it is.

The alcohol "lifestyle" isn't that great and pure. Let's go get drunk and hookup. Let's get wasted and have a blast with friends and not remember what happened. The drinking lifestyle doesn't exactly have a halo around it. Yet that shouldn't effect a Christians ability to drink.

Unfortunately Josh you're still missing a huge key point when it comes to scandal and that is "getting drunk and hooking up" and "blacking out" are still viewed in a negative light by the majority of alcohol users. Such behavior is also not viewed as normal behavior when consuming alcohol, by both non-users and users alike. When the majority of people see a drunk person they think; "that person has not used alcohol responsibly." They interpret the behavior as the misuse and abuse of the substance. This is one of the major reasons for why a Catholic having a drink is not in danger of scandalizing anyone. At least not realistically. Catholics are not obligated to take precautions to not scandalize those who have unrealistic view points since there is no realistic way of living up to a standard that would not scandalize such a person.

However, this is not the case with marijuana because when the majority of people see a marijuana user who is "high" they do not see it as an abuse of the substance but rather as the result of using the substance properly. I doubt very much that when people see someone high off marijuana the first thing that comes to mind is: "that person has not used marijuana responsibly." This is why when a Catholic smokes marijuana they run the danger of promoting the idea that the Church is okay with people getting high or that the Catholicism is not opposed to the getting high type of lifestyles.

So one substance is seen by the majority of people (both users and non-users) as promoting the idea that being high and incapacitated is the normal behavior of those who use such a substance. While the other substance does not, and that both users and non-users alike, still shun and view getting drunk, being wasted, and blacking out as the behavior of those who do not use the substance responsibly. Edited by Credo in Deum
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However, this is not the case with marijuana because when the majority of people see a marijuana user who is "high" they do not see it as an abuse of the substance but rather as the result of using the substance properly. I doubt very much that when people see someone high off marijuana the first thing that comes to mind is: "that person has not used marijuana responsibly." This is why when a Catholic smokes marijuana they run the danger of promoting the idea that the Church is okay with people getting high or that the Catholicism is not opposed to the getting high type of lifestyles.


Hmm see no...youre assuming a lot about marijuana use. Getting high to the point of incoherence is possible, but its not the reason people do it (well not ALL people...probably the same amount who get crazy drunk). You need to be able to enjoy the high, not become incapacitated by it...so I disagree with you. In fact, the first time I tried marijuana I had way too much..I used it improperly. It wasnt enjoyable.


I find your entire stance just really weird and disjointed personally. 


At the end of the day, the really only differences between alcohol and marijuana use is perception (and the small fact that marijuana has killed 0 people vs alcohol which is like kazillions).

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Credo in Deum

Hmm see no...youre assuming a lot about marijuana use. Getting high to the point of incoherence is possible, but its not the reason people do it (well not ALL people...probably the same amount who get crazy drunk). You need to be able to enjoy the high, not become incapacitated by it...so I disagree with you. In fact, the first time I tried marijuana I had way too much..I used it improperly. It wasnt enjoyable.

I find your entire stance just really weird and disjointed personally.

At the end of the day, the really only differences between alcohol and marijuana use is perception (and the small fact that marijuana has killed 0 people vs alcohol which is like kazillions).

There is no such thing as an acceptable high, just like how here is no such thing as an acceptable level of drunkenness. Nice try though.
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So people cant drink alcohol at all? 

Is having any alcohol in your blood considered drunkenness?

If not, how do you define drunkeness? Is there a specific volume? Or is it by actions? And how can you tell?

Is it different for males and females?

Where is the cut off?


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Credo in Deum

So people cant drink alcohol at all?

They can drink, they just can't get drunk.

Is having any alcohol in your blood considered drunkenness?

Depends on the amount.

If not, how do you define drunkeness? Is there a specific volume? Or is it by actions? And how can you tell?
Is it different for males and females?

One is legally drunk when they go over the 0.08% blood alcohol limit. Yes this is the same for both men and woman. One is morally considered drunk when their judgement and ability to make decisions is imparred or when they have violated the law by going over the legal limit; whichever comes first. One can tell if their over the legal limit by using a breathalyzer. You can also tell by trying to walk a straight line, balance yourself with one foot up, say your abc's backwards, or by looking forward with arms extended and trying to touch the tip of your nose with your index finger.

Where is the cut off?

Legally 0.08%, and when you've reached the point where your judgement and decision making abilities have been imparred. Again whichever comes first.

Anything else, CrossCut? Edited by Credo in Deum
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There is no such thing as an acceptable high, just like how here is no such thing as an acceptable level of drunkenness. Nice try though.


As a non-user of cannabis but a social drinker, I will say that when I am out with friends, I do drink alcohol to give me a slight buzz and get me into a more social mood.  This is how most people use it.

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good thread and someone mentioned Catholics getting drunk, something earlier I briefly saw,  I found it to be a bit sad, for a fundraising event at our Cathedral parish hall, where the main gathering started with a fun themed game to raise money, but it quickly got rather obnoxious with all the drinking that was going on, no one got to the point of being violent, and there was a policeman on duty to monitor everyone, but I suspect had there been no booze, there would not have been the need for a policeman to be on duty, and the parish could have saved money for hiring him. But Booze brings in the cash and when it comes to a fund raising what easier way is there ?


So in the states where marijuana is legal now,  I wonder if  there is a limit now on what is acceptable,,,, the church may state illicit drugs are bad, but if that is the case why is offering hard liquor or unlimited beer at a fundraising in a parish hall acceptable, and watching people get drunk and having a good time, why would that be okay to raise money in that way, but all of a sudden marijuana is so so evil and that would just be ludicrous to have a pot party fundraising event.To then say that just a little bit of drinking is okay as long as you don't get drunk, but to then turn around and say well all illicit drugs are not only bad but evil and don't even use a little ?


The argument becomes very hard to accept, even if all drugs were legal, from cocaine, heroine, what ever, that doesn't mean I am wanting to buy it, cigarettes does just as much damage as illicit drugs as does booze,, so why is smoking not sinful ? Doesn't mean im running to the states where pot is now legal, nor does it mean if my state were to legalize pot that i'd run out an buy it an go oh boy.  But to say only drink in moderation and you are okay and that is not sinful, smoke a cigarette in moderation and not too long in your life an you will be fine and that is not sinful, an then to turn around an say well if you smoke pot or do any illicit drugs even once, that is very sinful an you better be worried.


I do not think that is the best way to win an argument as to why one should not smoke pot. as there is just too much double talk going on in this regard already.Though I do  think the government is not helping anyone by legalizing marijuana after years and years of anti drug campaigns and all these statistics about children doing pot at young ages, and then screaming about how pot is the gateway drug, to then after decades of fighting against marijuana for states to turn around and legalize it, is very disgusting. I just wish everyone would make up their mind, instead of doing double talk all the time.The history of Marijuana is very interesting though, and how hemp at one point in time was in competition with possibly taking over being a better alternative in making paper. An now the paper industry couldn't have that.


http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0028346/  ( for those not familiar with the movie )

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Legally 0.08%, and when you've reached the point where your judgement and decision making abilities have been imparred. Again whichever comes first.

Anything else, CrossCut?


What if you could drink a bunch and never sin ever?

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They can drink, they just can't get drunk.

Depends on the amount.

One is legally drunk when they go over the 0.08% blood alcohol limit. Yes this is the same for both men and woman. One is morally considered drunk when their judgement and ability to make decisions is imparred or when they have violated the law by going over the legal limit; whichever comes first. One can tell if their over the legal limit by using a breathalyzer. You can also tell by trying to walk a straight line, balance yourself with one foot up, say your abc's backwards, or by looking forward with arms extended and trying to touch the tip of your nose with your index finger.

Legally 0.08%, and when you've reached the point where your judgement and decision making abilities have been imparred. Again whichever comes first.

Anything else, CrossCut?


Ok, you made your points. Touche. 


However I still dont understand your stance surrounding the use of Marijuana. Maybe you could be more plain. 

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