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Why Are Alcohol And Cannabis Treated Differently?


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So does that mean that if a person only uses marijuana from time to time in moderate amounts, they are not sinning?

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So does that means it's totes cool to attack, kidnap, and cage human beings if they possess or use these drugs? 

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Credo in Deum

I believe with alcohol and marijuana, the deciding factor of whether it is sinful or not, is actually determined by the intention of the user, their health, and their state in life or duties they're responsible for. 


The difference between alcohol and marijuana is usually found in their potency.  Most alcohols do not have the ability to render someone buzzed or drunk after the first glass.  Marijuana can get you high after the first bowl. 



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So why is alcohol given the green light while cannabis is off limits?


Because the state says so, and they are smarter than us.

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is alcohol a drug?

"To a pharmacologist, that question is a little bit like “Is water a liquid?” Alcohol is not just a drug, but the archetypal drug: the drug most widely used and the drug that causes the most addiction, disease, and violence.

But in ordinary usage, the word “drug” does not include alcohol. If I told you that someone was a drug dealer, you’d be surprised if I meant only that he was a bar owner. If I said that an incident of unplanned sex was due to the use of a date-rape drug, you’d be surprised if what I meant was that the victim was drunk. The National Institute on Drug Abuse does not study the abuse of alcohol, which has an institute all its own.

That linguistic distinction is both an effect and a cause of the fact that “drug” (meaning intoxicant) has been given a strongly negative connotation. A drinker told that he is a “drug user” will be offended as well as puzzled."

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I would be interested in seeing Pope Francis comment on specific drugs.  I agree that marijuana can cause harm, but so can alcohol.  I'm really confused why the Church isn't against alcohol as well.  It can't be because alcohol is deeply engrained in western culture.  Premarital sex is also very common but the church did not say "There is no way we will win, lets just give up on this one".  So there must be another reason.....

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Nihil Obstat

Frankly, abuse of alcohol is an enormous social problem. I daresay that abuse of alcohol causes, both in terms of sheer numbers and proportionally, far more evil than marijuana. The fact that it is so widespread means that its abuse is also widespread, yet abusing alcohol is considered relatively socially acceptable within some very broad limits.

If we are to have a coherent stance on drug use, it must take into account why certain drugs like alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine are acceptable in moderation, whereas other drugs are not. Because it is clear that those substances are also mind altering and can also produce negative outcomes.

I am not saying that justifications do not exist, but I do think we need to do some serious philosophical work in elucidating them.

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Not just alcohol, what about caffeine? People dont tend to associate it with bad stuff since its sooooo common but caffeine can also alter your mental state and has been known to kill people. 


I cant even have the stuff...even just a little leaves my heart pounding and my whole body jittery. I dont like it.

Edited by CrossCuT
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I think this is one of thoses cases where I dont have to go along with the pope. Hang me if you want. 

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Semper Catholic

I would be interested in seeing Pope Francis comment on specific drugs. I agree that marijuana can cause harm, but so can alcohol. I'm really confused why the Church isn't against alcohol as well. It can't be because alcohol is deeply engrained in western culture. Premarital sex is also very common but the church did not say "There is no way we will win, lets just give up on this one". So there must be another reason.....

The Church has always been aware of where it's bread is buttered. If they went anti - alcohol there would be some very bare donation baskets on Sundays.
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Not just alcohol, what about caffeine? People dont tend to associate it with bad stuff since its sooooo common but caffeine can also alter your mental state and has been known to kill people. 


I cant even have the stuff...even just a little leaves my heart pounding and my whole body jittery. I dont like it.

Tell you what, I will give up nearly all recreational drinking and caffeine for the next year if a marijuana smoker will give up most of his/her recreational marijuana for the next year?

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The Church has always been aware of where it's bread is buttered. If they went anti - alcohol there would be some very bare donation baskets on Sundays.

Scripture uses wine and says a little in moderation is ok. Find me an example of another recreational, mind-altering substance in early Christian writing, something not associated with Jewish religious practices or sacraments.

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