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Telling Girls They Are Pretty


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I'm going to start calling women ugly to help direct them to a life of science and mathematics.



not being pretty is not the same thing as being ugly.

it wouldn't be an insult to a girl to say she is not pretty. Except of course because of the conditioning that whispers to our subconscious. It tells us that by saying she is not pretty we are in fact saying we expect her to die a lonely miserable death before mating season is over. 

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No. We are not.


And its not something to be ashamed of. It's great. I think people who look pretty should be congratulated on looking pretty. Even if its just because they were just "born" pretty.  It's a gift. Good for them. Some people are just born with tons of brains. amesome. Or athletic ability. applause.  


The reason people put so much emphasis on being pretty is because not too long ago it didn't matter that much if a girl had brains, she needed to catch a husband or she'd be a social leper. And for that she needed looks. So it was very very important for her to be pretty.


Which is the REAL reason people insist that we are "all pretty." Because there is this deeply ingrained unconscious idea that "good gravy if you're not pretty you'll never catch a man and and you're going to die on the freakin prairie during the winter" or something.  So God forbid any girl is not pretty, you might as well execute her now.


There is no way I can point out all the unfortunate barf in that post without giving myself a headache. Its like you are the spokesperson of our degraded ideal of beauty that the media as spoon fed us.

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You need to update your feminism, chica.

Girls do not need to be pretty to have value.

By insisting all girls are pretty you are perpetuating that myth.



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Deus te Amat

When I was little, I played in the swamp with my brother catching snakes and frogs.

I helped to gut the deer I shot, out of the deer stand I helped built with power tools my dad insisted I learn how to use. I tarred roofs, mowed the hay, cut down trees and built decks.

I majored in mathematics.

Ergo, I'm ugly?

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You need to update your feminism, chica.

Girls do not need to be pretty to have value.

By insisting all girls are pretty you are perpetuating that myth.


Sometimes you get it and sometimes you dont.

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fides' Jack



I agree with this.


Assuming that you're integrating with respect to x, the answer is clearly x^3/3 (+ c).  


Stupid girls...   

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Credo in Deum

not being pretty is not the same thing as being ugly.
it wouldn't be an insult to a girl to say she is not pretty. Except of course because of the conditioning that whispers to our subconscious. It tells us that by saying she is not pretty we are in fact saying we expect her to die a lonely miserable death before mating season is over.

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