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Republican Jesus


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The first thing about this post is that Dairygirl, a democrate based on her/his posts, posted a democrate created piece that reduces the words of Christ down to political messaging on a Catholic forum.  To associate any of Jesus's teaching to any political party activity is simply offensive.  Now to try and elevate any political party above any other party is simply naive and ignorant.   Both parties are corrupt and both parties seek power.   Do you want examples of Democrate corruption or political action to seize more power?  I am sure you can give me republican ones as well.  I am Catholic and I vote based on my Catholic beliefs. 


Enter Facts:


1.  The democrate party has removed God from their platform.  You shall not have any other God before me...  

2.  The democrate party is pro-death via support of abortion and end of life death panels.  Though shall not kill... 

3.  The Democrate party is pro-contraception.  Once again, you shall not have any other God before me and thou shall not kill... 

4.  The Democrate party is forceably Redistributing wealth (this is not charity).  Thou shall not steal and Thou shall not covet another mans goods.


Honestly, I do not need any other reason to not vote democrate beyond number one on the list above.  Everything else is just gravy on top.  Some others have referenced Democrates efforts for the poor, yet under democrate leadership more people are unemployed and on food stamps than any other time in US history.  The policies in place are not empowering the poor to get out of poverty they are enslaving them via unsustainable redistribution programs.  These programs gain political power by solidifying a voting base, not eliminating poverty.  Historically, similar policies have been tried NUMEROUS times, all with horrific results.  If you want to reduce poverty you have to empower the poor.  You can't empower the poor by forcing them to stay in failing schools, enacting anti-economic growth policies, expanding welfare, food stamps and prolonging jobless benefits all the while increasing regressive taxes like those on food and energy.  On the other hand things like School vouchers, reducing regressive taxes, reducing regulations on small businesses, finding cheap/clean sources of energy, work programs, etc.  all would help to empower and enable the poor to get out of poverty.  Yet, the democrate party isn't offering up most of those ideas...


I am Catholic and I vote based on ALL of my religious beliefs (not just the ones I want to support).  In every voting case I am looking at each candidate and how their voting records and political stances measure up to Catholic teaching then I pick the best of the worst option. 

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southern california guy

I'm inspired to write some things that people rarely tell you about our nations most famous "Republican" President -- Ronald Reagan...



Ronald Reagan (Democrat) - 1967 "Therapeutic Abortion Law" (Doesn't the name sound lovely?)
In 1967, California Governor Ronald Reagan, signed the Therapeutic Abortion Law.  It allowed for abortion in cases of rape, incest, or where pregnancy would could endanger the mothers physical, or mental health.  Where have you heard that before? Hint: Roe v. Wade, Mitt Romney, and the Mormon Churches position on abortion.
California and Colorado were the first states in the nation to legalize abortion.
Ronald Reagan (Democrat) - 1969 "Family Law Act" (Doesn't the name sound lovely?)  
In 1969, California Governor Ronald Reagan, signed the nation's first no-fault divorce bill -- the Family Law Act.  It allowed one spouse to dissolve a marriage for any reason -- or for no reason at all.  Ronald Reagan's first wife, Jane Wyman, had divorced him.
Michael Reagan said: "Divorce is where two adults take everything that matters to a child -- the child's home, family, security, and sense of being loved and protected, and they smash it all up, leave it in ruins on the floor, then walk out and leave the child to clean up the mess."
Fifteen years later every other state in the nation followed Ronald Reagan's lead and enacted no-fault divorce laws.  And from 1960 to 1980 the divorce rate more than doubled.
Ronald Reagan (Republican) - 1986 "Immigration Reform and Control Act".
In 1986, US President Ronald Reagan, granted amnesty to over 3 million illegal immigrants.  It resulted in an explosion in illegal immigration, that is now completely out of control.
Ronald Reagan (Republican) - 1981-1986 Increased defense spending
US President Ronald Reagan increased the defense budget for an unprescedented six consecutive years.  This led to a unsustainable bubble in the defense industry.  In the early 1980s there were 50 large defense suppliers to the US Government.  By 2004 there were five.  
When Ronald Reagan took office in 1981 the federal debt was $994 billion (This was for the entire history of the US, up and until Ronald Reagan).  When he left office in 1989 the debt was 2.9 trillion.  He more than tripled the national debt.  And he set a precedent of big defense spending that has gone completely out of control.  It is now over 16 trillion.. And the US spends more money on defense than any other country in the world spends on their entire budget.
Ronald Reagan was extremely well liked.  I was a huge fan.  He was called "The Great Communicator".   He definitely dramatically changed our country -- in terms of both morality and economy.  But I am sad to say that I am not such a big fan anymore -- when I look back and allow myself to be a little more critical.  I think that it's important that we don't just vote based on a particular political party.  I think that we need to have a clear view and commitment to the values and direction that we want to see in this country, because it is all to easy to go in the wrong direction -- with disastrous consequences.
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Correction, republican is the pro-birth party...they have little to do with caring about life after that.


I'm so sick of hearing this pap I could puke. 


"Medicaid plays a key role in child and maternal health, financing 40% of all births in the United States. Medicaid coverage for pregnant women includes prenatal care through the pregnancy, labor, and delivery, and for 60 days postpartum as well as other pregnancy-related care." Google it - you'll find yourself on a government page.


The government (including Republicans' taxes) provides housing to the mothers of babies born in this country through Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). Thus caring for post-birth babies as well. 


The government (including Republicans' taxes) provides food stamps to mothers of children in this country. Thus caring for post-birth children as well. That is, assuming the mother buys wisely and feeds the wise choices to her children. 


The government (including Republicans' taxes) provides supplemental nutrition in the form of Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) benefits. Thus caring for post-birth children.


The government (including Republicans' taxes) provides free education to all children in this country. Thus caring for post-birth children. The quality varies radically from district to district, but the free education is available. The transportation to the school is usually free, too. Almost every neighborhood I know also has a free public (including Republican's taxes) library. The schools often have free playgrounds. They often have after-school care programs. They often have Headstart programs (which have never been proven to be of added educational advantage.) Pell grants (including Republicans' taxes) are available for higher education - if a student chooses wisely, she can get a two-year degree at a community college and go into a profession by which she can support herself - and her family - for the rest of her life. Or she can go back to the government and repeat the process - there's no limit. 


All of this post-birth caring provided by the government is funded by taxes - the taxes of not only Democrats but Republicans, too, and even Catholics, and even pro-life Republican Catholics, even if Republicans or Catholics consider it immoral and unwise to get pregnant when you're unmarried. But I - working fool that I am, whether I am Catholic, Democratic, Republican, or Dalmatian - do pay for it every day when I go to work. 


The Catholic Church lists seven corporal works of mercy - ever heard of them? 

1. Give drink to the thirsty. 

2. Feed the hungry. 

3. Give clothing to the naked. 

4. Give shelter to the homeless. 

5. Visit the sick (nurse them). 

6. Visit the imprisoned. 

7. Bury the dead. 


Simply by going to work every day and paying taxes, you, I, and even pro-life Republicans are funding the government to minister four out of the seven corporal works of mercy - and I think the government buries the dead, too. 


And that doesn't include private donations. 


So don't tell me that Republicans "have little to do with caring for life after that [birth]." You simply reveal your ignorance when you say it. 






Excuse me while I heave. 

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We also pay for abortions and the mass murder of non combatants. You think those cancel each other out? If you get good marks for the aid, you also get bad marks for the killing and whatnot.

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We also pay for abortions and the mass murder of non combatants. You think those cancel each other out? If you get good marks for the aid, you also get bad marks for the killing and whatnot.


We haven't paid for many abortions. After it was legalized, it still wasn't funded by the government because of the Hyde Amendment. If it's funded now, the funding has been fought every step of the way. And if abortion is funded by the government, it's a clear example of the problem of the culture wars and their enactment into law -  in the past, government supported the citizenry by providing housing, food, medical treatment, education, and similar services; services most people would agree are beneficial. With the legalization of abortion, a very large part of the citizenry who consider abortion the termination of human life must pay for it. Thus the intractable political problem  we've been experiencing since 1973. 


In terms of mass murder of non-combatants - first of all, that's been on a steady decline. The destruction of Dresden was probably the worst the West has ever inflicted, and that was 1944 or so - 70 years ago. Carpet bombing of North Viet Nam was probably the next worst, and that was 1973 or so - 40 years ago. Drones still inflict collateral damage, but in much smaller number. Secondly, we're not as bad as they are - which isn't saying much, but I'm saying. Third, I and a lot of other citizens don't approve of the US's rush to arms in any of the conflicts I've seen. I and they consider it ineffective, not to mention a waste of personnel (combatant and non-combatant), money, and materiel. But the world is a dangerous place. We don't usually start these conflicts, though often our response is misdirected - invading Afghanistan to find Osama Bin Laden was like using a sledge hammer on a fly - way too much for way too little payback. And those kinds of responses represent the breakdown of the political process and public debate. I don't like it, I can struggle against it, but I can't stop it.


If, at some point in the future, the US stops it bellicose responses, that would free up a lot more money to put into providing services to our citizenry that we can all agree are beneficial. In the meantime,  I grit my teeth and pay my taxes. 

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We haven't paid for many abortions. After it was legalized, it still wasn't funded by the government because of the Hyde Amendment.

Money: fungible.


Sorry, bro, but if you pay taxes, you pay for abortions and you always have.


We are no more responsible for what is done with our taxes than we are for what a mugger would do with money taken from our wallets. Consent plays a role, but it's personal and difficult to determine. I think most people don't make informed decisions as regards government because they have absorbed the propaganda surrounding the entity. 

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Dairy Girl, are you insinuating with this post that the DFL better represents Christianity?  Just curious? 

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Winchester I agree with this statement ... "I think most people don't make informed decisions as regards government because they have absorbed the propaganda surrounding the entity."


I would take it a step further and hold the media accountable as well for creating a generally biased ignorant audience due to the content they choose to present and or hold back.

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i don't know what DFL means.


on balance i go with democrats on 'helping the little guy'... but they often go too far, and spend too much money in general.

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southern california guy

i don't know what DFL means.


on balance i go with democrats on 'helping the little guy'... but they often go too far, and spend too much money in general.


I don't think that the Democrats are really all that different than the Republicans.  I think that the two parties have become pretty much the same.



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