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Ah, well I do recall you saying you are into traditional gender roles. Im into "whatever you want" gender roles. 


I am so traditional that when there is a group Rosary at church, I will not even lead the prayers if there are any men there.  

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I suppose because I see leading prayers as a position of spiritual leadership and I do not feel comfortable being a woman in spiritual leadership over men.

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I was going to respond with a "No dont let that stop you! Be strong! BE BLAH BLAH BLAH" but I know I cant force peopel to feel the way I do about women and gender roles. I just have to respect any women for how they feel (as long as youre not saying all women need to act/feel the way you do; thats when I have a problem)

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I was going to respond with a "No dont let that stop you! Be strong! BE BLAH BLAH BLAH" but I know I cant force peopel to feel the way I do about women and gender roles. I just have to respect any women for how they feel (as long as youre not saying all women need to act/feel the way you do; thats when I have a problem)


I do not expect other women to feel or act like I do.  I think that women (and men) should follow Church teaching, but I do not know of one about this.

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Credo in Deum

I am so traditional that when there is a group Rosary at church, I will not even lead the prayers if there are any men there.

I think this is a good thing. Men need to be reminded if our role God willed us to have. Especially in the family. I think Catholic men and women both need to understand that in the family, God willed that the men be the patriarch. By doing so He has willed that certain graces from Him will only be give to the family by way of the father. This can be seen in the Holy Family where God's angel approaches Joseph and not Mary, even though Mary surpasses Joseph in holiness. This also shows that the fathers role is so important that had Joseph not listened to the warning of the angel and had shirked his responsibility as a father, the Christ child would have been murdered by Herod. Edited by Credo in Deum
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I find this highly judgmental, especially when you ascribe this to all conservatives or republicans. Many conservatives are not like this.  Many Republicans are not like this. You can't judge someone's heart by their political party/beliefs very well. Opposing immigration is not about deporting people who are different but about respecting our laws and respecting what it means to be an American. Granted we need some reform, but it should not be to just let anyone join this country no matter what.


Keynesian economics is more about the short term. Classical economics, a conservative approach to economics, is about creating a stronger future with more long-term opportunities. I don't side heavily with either view yet, but people on either side can and are motivated to care for people and make this a better world for others as well as themselves. And there are plenty of conservatives who give to charities so that it is not just up to government to help people in need, but rather they take personal responsibility for feeding and clothing the poor.


Attack the argument, the economics, even those who have had the chance to show their character and how they use their politics, but don't attack people just based on the fact that they are conservatives-that demonstrates a lack of critical thinking and judgmentalism, or alternatively, trollishness.

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it does attack the 'conservative prototype'. and the general 'platform'. and espeically teh 'cookie cutter conservative', those who espouse everything on the platform, cause they are suppose to. 'if you are conservative, you should believe x'.


it wasn't intended to attack anyone in particular. if people's feelings are hurt or whatever, or they are taking it as far as you are, they are reading too much into it.


it is indisputably a good way to make a generic point about generic conservatism. to not recognize that is lacking in critical thinking.

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it does attack the 'conservative prototype'. and the general 'platform'. and espeically teh 'cookie cutter conservative', those who espouse everything on the platform, cause they are suppose to. 'if you are conservative, you should believe x'.


it wasn't intended to attack anyone in particular. if people's feelings are hurt or whatever, or they are taking it as far as you are, they are reading too much into it.


it is indisputably a good way to make a generic point about generic conservatism. to not recognize that is lacking in critical thinking.



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it does attack the 'conservative prototype'. and the general 'platform'. and espeically teh 'cookie cutter conservative', those who espouse everything on the platform, cause they are suppose to. 'if you are conservative, you should believe x'.


it wasn't intended to attack anyone in particular. if people's feelings are hurt or whatever, or they are taking it as far as you are, they are reading too much into it.


it is indisputably a good way to make a generic point about generic conservatism. to not recognize that is lacking in critical thinking.

Please forgive me. I just happened to be working on conservative politics for bit, and I know there are a lot more platforms than "conservative prototype" which each proudly bare the title conservative, and some of which even bare some of those same platforms for reasons contrary to or overlooked by your initial post.


While near platitudes such as "Reality has a well-known liberal bias" are cute, funny, and bare some truth, it does not bring us to a researchable, clearly arguable, concise argument that creates meaningful change or thought, imo. E.G. In what way does reality it have a liberal bias? Perhaps it is a liberal bias compared to liberal and conservative prototypes, but when you get on the ground and talk to people, its a different world, especially those who are out there working in government and politics.


In a world of increasing polarization and disengagement or disenfranchisement, those who want to make a difference have to offer something more meaningful to sway those not yet on their side and who actually care about things are run.


I'm not personally hurt, but I am sad that political discussion can be as shallow as that captioned picture. I prefer people to actually engage with issues and take a more thought-out, reasoned, good-hearted approach, whether or not they agree with me, in politics or debates.

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well i can't deny a minor amount of troll-itude in making the thread. but i mostly stand by my generic consratism point.


asfor the other thread about scientists, and the images posted an such. that was mostly trolling. i only viewed it marginlly as meritorious on the substance. but it did represent something of significance to some degree.

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The OP is senseless flamebait.

Our Lord Christ is not a pawn of either the Socialist Corporatist Party or the Corporatist Socialist Party.

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"I know there are a lot more platforms than "conservative prototype" which each proudly bare the title conservative"


the generic argument against generic conservatism still stands.


and especially against the cookie cutters. even those who may have varying degrees to them. that is, the ones who might differ, but only in slight ways that are still considered 'conservative', and often only due to 'conservative religious' beliefs anyways.

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