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Actually youve come to the wrong conclusion but it has confirmed a few things Ive always thought.


Im referencing a completely different thread and my joke about light travel was more along the lines of perception than intelligence. But alas....

Thank you for showing your true colors though. :evil:


If you want to get into the education as a prop debate with me you can start another thread. :)


Toots, I ain't buying what you're selling. And guess what. I worked hard my whole life for everything I got. From the time I was itty bitty and I had to do homework by flashlight. Ain't nobody handed me nothing. I earned what I got and I won't sit for nobody trying to make me ashamed of it.  This thread is the third time you've taken a cheap shot with regards to my education. I won't be letting it slide no more. 


p.s. there is only one debater I fear in all the realm of phatmass. His name is Hasan. Ask him for pro-tips. For you, though you may have mastered the cheap shot, are no Hasan. 


and also Winchester. Winchester can wipe the floor with anybody. 

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Toots, I ain't buying what you're selling. And guess what. I worked hard my whole life for everything I got. From the time I was itty bitty and I had to do homework by flashlight. Ain't nobody handed me nothing. I earned what I got and I won't sit for nobody trying to make me ashamed of it.  This thread is the third time you've taken a cheap shot with regards to my education. I won't be letting it slide no more. 


p.s. there is only one debater I fear in all the realm of phatmass. His name is Hasan. Ask him for pro-tips. For you, though you may have mastered the cheap shot, are no Hasan. 


and also Winchester. Winchester can wipe the floor with anybody. 


Im not trying to take cheap shots at your education. I admire anyone who works hard and didnt get [__] handed to them. Im in the same boat. I grew up in a family of 10 and my parents could never afford the nice things for us. We never went on vacations, we never go nice clothes, and no one helped me through my education either. Ive worked a job before I was even legally allowed to and paid for everything on my own. No one helped me. 

Ive even worked two jobs while going to school at the same time and it was not fun. 


Now I dont want to QQ too much and play the "look at how much I struggled" game since Im still of the white, christian majority. My opportunities have still been better than a lot of people, but nothing I have said has been a reference to your education. You are foul and rude on a very personal level when discussing hot topics and it has nothing to do with your university education. And my reference to peons not understanding my jokes was not meant to be taken all the way to "oh my goodness (don't blasphemy) youre questioning my education?" Do you get that defensive about your mom jokes too?


But you are right. I shouldnt make such jokes. I dont want to be put onto the same level as people who call others neanderthals. But of course you have a good reason dont you? For taking personal jabs at people? 


I apologize for my actions. Its not like me. The unfortunate irritation that is the people on PM have cause certain actions to rub off on me to which I am not proud.


I am also eternally grateful that I am not considered to be like Winchester although I am aware that he as also admitted to his failings and tries (i think) to correct them. 


I am human and I say rude [__]. I apologize. 


Edited by moderator (cmaD2006): Language

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I am also eternally grateful that I am not considered to be like Winchester




what need have we of witnesses????????

Edited by Lilllabettt
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you've had this attitude a couple times now. makes me wonder if you're




p.s. if any members of the audience would care to explain how referencing a woman's appearance in the course of a debate is "funny" I would appreciate the s'plaining. Apparently I missed that lesson. was out burning my brassiere that day.

I think it can be done, but it takes an expert.


In this case, I believe the attempt was to be funny and off-hand, but it might also have been an attempt at condescension. 

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Toots, I ain't buying what you're selling. And guess what. I worked hard my whole life for everything I got. 

Except colds. Those were because you were lazy and didn't wash your hands.

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Fidei Defensor

Is there a Winchester FAQ somewhere?

Yes. It just says "Q. uh? A. Winchester is neat."

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I have very traditional ideas about women.  I think that women should always be feminine and soft-spoken.  This gives us the element of surprise when we attack.


Christianity basically teaches that we should all be feminine and soft-spoken though.

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Credo in Deum

Christianity basically teaches that we should all be feminine and soft-spoken though.

Christ whipping people in the Temple says you're wrong.
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Winchester can wipe the floor with anybody. 


If you only knew how much self-control I am exerting by not making a comment when seeing the words "Winchester" and "wipe" in the same sentence....










(J/K - sorry, the goalie left the net wide open with that one!)

Edited by Norseman82
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Christianity basically teaches that we should all be feminine and soft-spoken though.


Our culture is what is teaching that there is something wrong with being masculine.  A man is a wonderful thing to be and masculinity brings great gifts to the service of God and His people.

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Our culture is what is teaching that there is something wrong with being masculine.  A man is a wonderful thing to be and masculinity brings great gifts to the service of God and His people.


A man cant be soft spoken?

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A man cant be soft spoken?


One archetype of masculinity is the strong, silent hero.  These men are soft-spoken.  


Another example of soft-spoken masculinity is the hero of the classic Western,  Destry Rides Again:



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Ah, well I do recall you saying you are into traditional gender roles. Im into "whatever you want" gender roles. 

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