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Republican Jesus


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I am not from any coast. I am from the middle.  I was born in Toronto. Not only is that the middle of the country, it is the center of the universe.  We are very cosmopolitan and sophisticated here so I eat foods from all over the world, even exotic things like tacos.   I like tacos but am currently on a restricted diet that does not allow them. Even so, I agree that they are better than politics.


I thought I would include a smiley since you seem to like them  This one looks nice and Canadian.   :cold:



I do like smileys - they say so much without ever speaking.  :whistle:  

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Is it true that Canada still sells fruitopia?


If so, can someone take pity on me and send me some?


I missssss it here in the states lol

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Nihil Obstat

Is it true that Canada still sells fruitopia?


If so, can someone take pity on me and send me some?


I missssss it here in the states lol

I can send you lots. :| You cover product + shipping costs with a 30% premium and I will send as much as you want.

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I can send you lots. :| You cover product + shipping costs with a 30% premium and I will send as much as you want.





You just became my best friend.


I haven't had that stuff since like 2000!



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Not The Philosopher

I am not from any coast. I am from the middle.  I was born in Toronto. Not only is that the middle of the country, it is the center of the universe.  We are very cosmopolitan and sophisticated here so I eat foods from all over the world, even exotic things like tacos.   I like tacos but am currently on a restricted diet that does not allow them. Even so, I agree that they are better than politics.






There are too many delicious foodstuffs here.

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Republican is the pro life party and diametrically opposed to the Democratic official pro choice party line

Correction, republican is the pro-birth party...they have little to do with caring about life after that.
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Correction, republican is the pro-birth party...they have little to do with caring about life after that.

It least they don't advocate murder of helpless pre-born
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It least they don't advocate murder of helpless pre-born


I agree. However I dont believe that just because you occasionally vote against abortion wins you the title of "Pro-life". I understand that I might have a different definition of what pro-life means. To me its more than just being against abortion; its about supporting people through their entire life.  Its about making education, healthcare, aid programs, and the like affordable and attainable. Its about basically everything that the republican party doesnt do.


I also understand that a lot of Catholics feel that there is only one political option and it is to be a republican in a Capitalist economy, but that just a very narrow view.  People worship capitalism and conservatism like idols and put these values before the values of their faith. (Minus abortion of course...thats about the only thing they do right.)

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To me its more than just being against abortion; its about supporting people through their entire life.  Its about making education, healthcare, aid programs, and the like affordable and attainable. Its about basically everything that the republican party doesnt do.




So being pro life means ensuring the above ... ensuring the above by growing the government?


But in my opinion that is not the best way to ensure those things. I vote for republicans because I believe the bedrock conservative philosophy towards government constitutes the best hope for the poor.


 Because I know the government has no use for the poor. Once government gathers enough strength it does away with them. It does this every time, and we are not so special that ours will not do this, too. This is the organizational behavior of government. Cesar does not share power forever. 

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But in my opinion that is not the best way to ensure those things. I vote for republicans because I believe the bedrock conservative philosophy towards government constitutes the best hope for the poor.


rofl. Awww, thats cute. At least youre pretty, amirite?

Edited by CrossCuT
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rofl. Awww, thats cute. At least youre pretty, amirite?


CrossCuT, what you just did there, thats misogyny.


Feminism 101: How not to cause your credentials to immediately evaporate.

reminds me of a chick I got into it with about abortion rights ... she said my ideas were part of the patriarchy and then tried to suggest my problem was that I hadn't been laid recently. :facepalm:

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Blessed are those who vote to have someone else confiscate 5 dollars and dole out one of those dollars to the poor, for their sacrifice of pulling a lever in a booth is truly compassion.

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