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Republican Jesus


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you were naked, sick and hungry. So for your sake I refused to feed the beast I knew would one day turn and devour the poor.

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Making a caricature of people's political views and attributing it to Jesus approaches blasphemy.  Our Lord is not a tool for pushing political agendas.

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I'm a Canadian. I don't know much about US politics.  I don't even know much about Canadian politics.  I am not interested in politics.  But I care passionately about my faith and it disturbs me greatly to see a picture meant to represent Our Lord, something which should be an object of devotion, dragged into this sordid nonsense.


I don't like Republicans or Democrats or the main Canadian political parties.  I don't even vote anymore.  I don't care if you want to have a pointless debate about politics, but pictures of Jesus should be treated properly.

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it's not really meant to be disrespectful. it really makes some great points about the irony of many republican positions. (they have some decent counter points about politics in the bible, but the picture still makes a great point)


i suppose i could see if it was viewed that way, disrespectful, or perhaps sacreligous?


but then again, there's something to be said about reading too much into things.

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My gut reaction to the OP was about the same as the one I would have if I found a picture of Jesus in a manure pile.  For the same reason.


Democrats are at least as bad as Republicans.  I don't want to spend the time thinking about it that it would take to figure out which is worse.  It isn't worth it.

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I'm a Canadian. I don't know much about US politics.  I don't even know much about Canadian politics.  I am not interested in politics.  But I care passionately about my faith and it disturbs me greatly to see a picture meant to represent Our Lord, something which should be an object of devotion, dragged into this sordid nonsense.


I don't like Republicans or Democrats or the main Canadian political parties.  I don't even vote anymore.  I don't care if you want to have a pointless debate about politics, but pictures of Jesus should be treated properly.



Ah, you're Canadian! That explains a lot, eh?

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Ah, you're Canadian! That explains a lot, eh?


Now that you are speaking to me in my native tongue I will be able to understand you better, eh?

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Now that you are speaking to me in my native tongue I will be able to understand you better, eh?



West or East coast? My SIL is Canadian - but I don't hold that against her, poor dear.


My family is a veritable United Nations of nationalities... it seems every American sibling of mine decided against finding an American spouse. It makes for good food at family gatherings though! 


Tacos deserve  this thread.  :paco2:  :paco2:  :paco2: They are one of my favorite foods - and much more interesting than politics.






(like how I did that edit?) :lol4:

Edited by nunsense
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I am not from any coast. I am from the middle.  I was born in Toronto. Not only is that the middle of the country, it is the center of the universe.  We are very cosmopolitan and sophisticated here so I eat foods from all over the world, even exotic things like tacos.   I like tacos but am currently on a restricted diet that does not allow them. Even so, I agree that they are better than politics.


I thought I would include a smiley since you seem to like them  This one looks nice and Canadian.   :cold:

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