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Advanced Hominid Decendants Should Be Valued Above Homo Sapiens In Exp


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Fidei Defensor

not in the foreseeable future, not even an extended level of foreseeability. all i can do is reiterate the aformentioned points about astronomical time and specualte that maybe it is possible or will happen.


only once that is accepted by both parties, do i ever get into debate about whether we should or shouldnt focus on homo sapien preservation.

Quite honestly, I believe that biologically, we're on a path of destruction of our species. 

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Quite honestly, I believe that biologically, we're on a path of destruction of our species. 



Well, when there is a new heaven and a new earth, the maybe we will be a new type of species as well?

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Fidei Defensor

Well, when there is a new heaven and a new earth, the maybe we will be a new type of species as well?

Fortunately, the arm of the Lord can save us. But the less we rely on Him and the more we try to prop ourselves up, the more destructive we become!

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Fortunately, the arm of the Lord can save us. But the less we rely on Him and the more we try to prop ourselves up, the more destructive we become!



Yeah, you're right, but it does seem that God has a plan, cause Jesus said that all the gate of hell won't prevail against His Church, plus he promised he wouldn't leave us orphans. 


I think we will go through a lot of suffering and pain, but in the end, God wins, and through Him, we do too. Just my optimistic worldview? :)

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we could devise a way to expand, and create a better breed of human, that isn't unhealthy. it would take much longer to do it, but it could be done. one possible example, we send one hundred of our best. they are allowed to breed so as to keep it healthy. then they get to a thousand and send a hundred of their best. and repeat. i'm not an expert on this, but know those numbers aren't far off for what could be considered healthy, and it's not the exact numbers but the principle involved.

it might take longer to terraform a planet after planet. but if they ever got to a point where they started sending star ship after starhip out like star trek, you can see that isolation of species will relatively quickly start to occur. and if those ships were somehow able to produce more ships, which would really be pushing our technology, sure, it would tremendously speed up isolation and advancement of the species.

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Credo in Deum

we could devise a way to expand, and create a better breed of human, that isn't unhealthy. it would take much longer to do it, but it could be done. one possible example, we send one hundred of our best. they are allowed to breed so as to keep it healthy. then they get to a thousand and send a hundred of their best. and repeat. i'm not an expert on this, but know those numbers aren't far off for what could be considered healthy, and it's not the exact numbers but the principle involved.

it might take longer to terraform a planet after planet. but if they ever got to a point where they started sending star ship after starhip out like star trek, you can see that isolation of species will relatively quickly start to occur. and if those ships were somehow able to produce more ships, which would really be pushing our technology, sure, it would tremendously speed up isolation and advancement of the species.

I smell eugenics, and it smells foul. Those who ascribe to a eugenics mentality will never entertain the idea of saving a species they hold to be lesser than them. Nor will they opt to leave this planet and terraform new ones in the event of over population. No, they will simply opt to remove the "lesser" individual and species from this planet since they do not feel the "lesser" are worthy to be here in the first place.

Quite honestly, I believe that biologically, we're on a path of destruction of our species.

So, do you believe humans are devolving?

Well, when there is a new heaven and a new earth, the maybe we will be a new type of species as well?

I don't believe we will be a different species, but rather we will have reached and surpassed (thanks to and only by way of, Christ) our original perfection with which God created us in the Garden.
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Fidei Defensor

So, do you believe humans are devolving?


No, but we hinder our own advancement. 

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