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Advanced Hominid Decendants Should Be Valued Above Homo Sapiens In Exp


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posted this at another debate place, thought i'd see all ya'lls impressions.


advanced hominid decendants should be valued above homo sapiens in expanding into the universe

eventually man will have to expand off of earth, or we will go extinct.

wouldnt it be wise to allow first the most advanced of us to leave and expand civilization? this very well could (and perhaps should) eventually lead to hominid speciation.

we could have a loyalist approach to it, and argue that our species should be of higher priority than allowing or promoting our decendants to be of superior quality, albeit a different species. but why should we take this approach? are they not both our decendants either way?

sure, maybe we can try to both save homo sapiens, and allow or try for advancing homind species. but if we have to choose a focus, isn't it better to focus on a superior decendant?

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Credo in Deum

I'm curious to know, where else on the internets you go to debate? I imagine you climbing into an armoire, where you're taken to an odd Debate-Narnia -only to come back and post their shenanigans in our world.

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Fidei Defensor

posted this at another debate place, thought i'd see all ya'lls impressions.


advanced hominid decendants should be valued above homo sapiens in expanding into the universe

eventually man will have to expand off of earth, or we will go extinct.

wouldnt it be wise to allow first the most advanced of us to leave and expand civilization? this very well could (and perhaps should) eventually lead to hominid speciation.

we could have a loyalist approach to it, and argue that our species should be of higher priority than allowing or promoting our decendants to be of superior quality, albeit a different species. but why should we take this approach? are they not both our decendants either way?

sure, maybe we can try to both save homo sapiens, and allow or try for advancing homind species. but if we have to choose a focus, isn't it better to focus on a superior decendant?

What's your definition of an advanced hominid species? I don't see Homo sapiens necessarily changing enough to warrant a new species.

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when we are dealing with astronomical time, it is possible to have hominid speciation from homo sapiens. it might have to be deliberate, but it could surely happen. we have advanced humans go to mars. they have advanced offspring. we have even more advanced of them go somewhere else. it might be too impractical, sure, i can't deny it. and you do bring up a good point, at least on earth, and it's hard for us to envision space expansion.... but we tend to make the environment fit us. we don't try to fit to the environment. the weak among us don't die, and they breed. this leads to nothing much in terms of macro evolution. but with space expansion, it is one would think surely possible.

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Fidei Defensor

when we are dealing with astronomical time, it is possible to have hominid speciation from homo sapiens. it might have to be deliberate, but it could surely happen. we have advanced humans go to mars. they have advanced offspring. we have even more advanced of them go somewhere else. it might be too impractical, sure, i can't deny it. and you do bring up a good point, at least on earth, and it's hard for us to envision space expansion.... but we tend to make the environment fit us. we don't try to fit to the environment. the weak among us don't die, and they breed. this leads to nothing much in terms of macro evolution. but with space expansion, it is one would think surely possible.

My response is… maybe.


I agree that the weak breed and it keeps the species the same-ish, on the macro level. Homo sapiens are usually seen as a very special case when it comes to evolution because we have the ability to consciously affect it, unlike most other organisms.


What do you think it would take for us to be able to leave this planet and explore new places with manned missions? I have trouble seeing us leaving the Earth.

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i have absolutely no trouble envisioning us leaving earth, at least earth proper, and staying within our solar system. elon musk through space X has plans to have manned missions to mars, to create a based with people living there. and there is a lot of good signs that it will happen. it involves commercializing the concept. money is the driver. people want to see outter space. 

privazation and commercialization has already allowed space X to act as a rocket provider for nasa, and to innovate new technoclgoies for them, and in general.


what about beyond mars or some more things needed? when we eventually crack cold fusion. do what the sun has been doing all this time. instead of radioactive fission. smash atoms together instead of causing them to come apart. that will provide a better source of energy. there are other sources of alternative enegy that could sustain a ship. not limited to the the standard of nuclear energy as a possibility as well. plus there's things like, one of jupiter or saturns moons, has many times as much oil and gas as we do. i don't think it's gasoline, but it's a type of gas that could be used as energy.


perhaps eentually we can get a huge star ship like on star trek. a ship that sustains itself. and have extended to permanent missions out of the solar system.
approach many times faster technology given stars are known to be light years apart, vast amounts of time and space. maybe find some theretical break throughs, that involve warp speed or worm holes.

getting into the unrealistic at this point, i acknowlege.


this stuff will all take a huge amont of time to do. but with the right incentives and advancing technioclogy.... we can surely make it happen. and in the bigger picture... time is all we have.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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why does your profile picture area call you a cordial noncatholic? and your label say catholic? and it looks like a roman ish name you have. and obviously the priest picture. is that the guy from opus dei? i recognize him from somewhere.

are you a type of catholic, orthodox, or a recent convert to catholocism?

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Fidei Defensor

why does your profile picture area call you a cordial noncatholic? and your label say catholic? and it looks like a roman ish name you have. and obviously the priest picture. is that the guy from opus dei? i recognize him from somewhere.

are you a type of catholic, orthodox, or a recent convert to catholocism?

I originally joined phatmass years ago as "fidei defensor." I fell away from catholicism and became an atheist while in college — hence the "cordial non-catholic" thing.  I have since returned to being Catholic but my group hasn't been changed yet, so I am in limbo so to speak.


My avatar is St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei.

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Fidei Defensor

i have absolutely no trouble envisioning us leaving earth, at least earth proper, and staying within our solar system. elon musk through space X has plans to have manned missions to mars, to create a based with people living there. and there is a lot of good signs that it will happen. it involves commercializing the concept. money is the driver. people want to see outter space. 

privazation and commercialization has already allowed space X to act as a rocket provider for nasa, and to innovate new technoclgoies for them, and in general.


what about beyond mars or some more things needed? when we eventually crack cold fusion. do what the sun has been doing all this time. instead of radioactive fission. smash atoms together instead of causing them to come apart. that will provide a better source of energy. there are other sources of alternative enegy that could sustain a ship. not limited to the the standard of nuclear energy as a possibility as well. plus there's things like, one of jupiter or saturns moons, has many times as much oil and gas as we do. i don't think it's gasoline, but it's a type of gas that could be used as energy.


perhaps eentually we can get a huge star ship like on star trek. a ship that sustains itself. and have extended to permanent missions out of the solar system.
approach many times faster technology given stars are known to be light years apart, vast amounts of time and space. maybe find some theretical break throughs, that involve warp speed or worm holes.

getting into the unrealistic at this point, i acknowlege.


this stuff will all take a huge amont of time to do. but with the right incentives and advancing technioclogy.... we can surely make it happen. and in the bigger picture... time is all we have.

Do you think that leaving Earth would be enough of a vector to cause new speciation in Homo sapiens?

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not in the foreseeable future, not even an extended level of foreseeability. all i can do is reiterate the aformentioned points about astronomical time and specualte that maybe it is possible or will happen.


only once that is accepted by both parties, do i ever get into debate about whether we should or shouldnt focus on homo sapien preservation.

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I originally joined phatmass years ago as "fidei defensor." I fell away from catholicism and became an atheist while in college — hence the "cordial non-catholic" thing.  I have since returned to being Catholic but my group hasn't been changed yet, so I am in limbo so to speak.


My avatar is St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei.



We're all praying for the label to be changed tardis. Now dUSt is back, maybe it will happen!! :) 

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