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Spem in alium

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Spem in alium

"Show me the bacon!"

"Oh, Jerry. Don't let's ask for the moon. We have bacon."
"Bacon, for lack of a better word, is good."

"Keep your friends close, but your bacon closer."
"Say 'hello' to my little bacon!"
"Bacon, my dear Watson."
"Of all the bacon joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine."

"Nobody puts Bacon in a corner."


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Credo in Deum

"I'm going the make him a bacon he can't refuse."

"Bring out your, bacon. Bring out your, bacon"

"We are the knights who say bacon."

"With great bacon, comes great responsibility"

"Follow the white bacon, Neo."

"Fasten your bacon, it's going to be a bumpy ride."

"Bacon, phone home."

"Tell 'em to go out there with all they got and win just one for the Bacon."

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Credo in Deum

I'm posting my 777th post in this thread as declaration of my love for bacon and all things bacon.

I am now a PM Super Alien! Viva la Bacon!


Super creepy picture, right?

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But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace bacon, to suggest the bacon of this dramatis persona.

V: Bacon! In view, a humble vaudevillian bacon, cast vicariously as both victim and bacon by the vicissitudes of Bacon. This visage, no mere veneer of bacon, is a vestige of the vox baconuli, now bacon, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone bacon, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent bacon vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious bacon of bacon.

[carves "bacon" into poster on wall]

V: The only verdict is bacon; a vendetta, held as a bacon, not in vain, for the value and bacon of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the bacon.

V: [giggles]

V: Verily, this vichyssoise of bacon veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good bacon to meet you and you may call me Bacon.

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The Desolation of Bacon


No longer Gandalf the Grey, but Gandalf the Bacon.


"You still love Lilly after all this time?"



Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the Bacon.

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Spem in alium

More movies. My faves are bolded.

Sophie's Bacon.
Finding Bacon.
The Green Bacon.
I Am Bacon.
American Bacon.
Hotel Bacon.
Into the Bacon.
My Bacon.
Bacon and Me.
Bridge to Bacon.
My Sister's Bacon (My Bacon's Keeper)

P.S. I Love Bacon.
Bacon Mountain.
The Bacon Man.
Dead Bacon Walking.

The Lovely Bacon.

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Spem in alium

No longer Gandalf the Grey, but Gandalf the Bacon.




"You're a bacon, Harry."
"I-I'm a what?!"

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Props to Spem since I have none to give. (I do prefer sausage though)



'You really are the brightest Bacon of your generation, Hermoine'


2001, a Bacon Odyssey 


Book Titles:


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Bacon....I'll let you get on with the other titles in the series in your own head.

Bacon for Dummies

Bacon Story

Bacon the Midwife





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"Is there any bacon, Gandalf, for Frodo and Sam?"

"There never was much bacon. Just a fool's bacon." –Lord of Breakfast, The Return of the Bacon

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Spem in alium

Props to Spem since I have none to give. (I do prefer sausage though)


Book Titles:


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Bacon....I'll let you get on with the other titles in the series in your own head.

Bacon for Dummies

Bacon Story

Bacon the Midwife

Thank you :) And hurrah for books!

Pride and Bacon.
Sense and Bacon.
Bacon Abbey.
Bacon Park.
Wuthering Bacon.
Bacon Eyre.


The Bacon in the Rye.
Gulliver's Bacon.
In This House of Bacon.
Bacon and South.
Love in the Time of Bacon.
Of Bacon and Men.
To Kill a Bacon.

The Taming of the Bacon.
Romeo and Bacon.

Hamlet, Prince of Bacon.
A Midsummer Night's Bacon.
The Bacon of Venice.
Twelfth Bacon. (Bacon Night)

KIng Bacon.
The Bacon's Tale.
The Comedy of Bacon.
The Merry Bacons of Windsor.
Bacon III.
Bacon V.
Bacon VI.
Bacon VIII.

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Spem in alium

And in the vein of the Lord of the Bacon...

"Myyyy bacon..."
“There is only one Lord of the Bacon, only one who can bend it to his will. And he does not share power.”
“We swears, to serve the master of the Bacon. We will swear on… on the Bacon!”
“That there’s some bacon in this world, Mr. Frodo… and it’s worth frying for.”
“I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the bacon of this world alone.”

“I am Gandalf the Bacon. And I come back to you now… at the turn of the fry.”


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